How local is local French in Quebec?
Looking at the use of French in Stanstead, a small bilingual community located at the border of Quebec and Vermont, several phonological and morphological variables (ne presence, verbal ending neutralization, /p/ aspiration, and (R)) are analyzed, using a comparative approach. First language French speakers from Stanstead are compared to Montreal French majority speakers, and to Ontario French minority speakers. Second language speakers of French from Stanstead are compared to English-speaking Montrealers speaking French. The possible influence of English phonology on native French is also explored, with reference to earlier work carried out in Sherbrooke, the largest city of the Eastern Townships, the region Stanstead is part of. Attitudes towards bilingualism and code-switching are investigated as possible characteristics of local identity.
Keywords: bilingualism, code-switching, French, language attitudes, local identity, Montreal French, ne presence, Quebec, R), second language speakers, stop aspiration, verbal ending neutralization, Vermont