In this chapter, I discuss ethnographic and interview data
on language ideologies regarding English in a transnational cultural
setting that is based on the production and consumption of specialty
coffee. In the terminology of the setting, the community is referred
to as Third Wave Coffee Culture and the chapter
introduces its history and cultural ideologies before analyzing
language-related data from its localization in Berlin. Main results
are that in this specific setting, English indexes belonging to the
cultural community of Third Wave Coffee Culture, irrespective of the
national background of speakers, which is tied to the construction
of transnational (post-)class positioning. The study overall
emphasizes the relevance of studying language use in communities
based on consumption in late capitalism.
Article outline
1.Introduction: English and coffee in Berlin
2.Third Wave Coffee Culture: Literature review and ethnographic insight
3.Language ideologies in Third Wave Coffee Culture
Customer interaction, naming and visual cues
Menu design
Meta-linguistic conversation: Discursive concepts related to English
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Curran, Nate Ming, Felicia Istad & Michael Chesnut
2023. Standing out and fitting in: Korean coffee entrepreneurs’ strategies for survival. Food, Culture & Society► pp. 1 ff.
Zieglmeier, Vroni
2023. “Queer English” and “Heteronormative German”. In Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ], ► pp. 1 ff.
Curran, Nathaniel Ming & Michael Chesnut
2022. English fever and coffee: Transient cosmopolitanism and the rising cost of distinction. Journal of Consumer Culture 22:2 ► pp. 551 ff.
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