Studies of dialogue interpreting have shown that interpreters are active participants in interpreter-mediated interaction and that their contributions are not simply a gloss of the interlocutors’ turns. Wadensjö (1998), in particular, has underlined the coordinating and mediating functions of dialogue interpreters. In this paper we analyse the activity of interpreters in the interaction by looking at different ways of organizing sequences of turn-taking and theireffects on intercultural mediation. We analysed a sample of 65 encounters in healthcare and legal settings in Italy, involving (Italian) institutional representatives, (English speaking) patients/defendants from West African regions and an interpreter. We note that different types of interpreter-mediator contributions are promoted or prevented in different ways in the medical and in the legal sets of data, respectively, in line with different contextual expectations, and with different results for the involvement of participants, particularly the “laymen”.
2024. Children’s involvement in interpreter-mediated parent–teacher conferences. Perspectives► pp. 1 ff.
Du, Biyu Jade
2024. How interpreting influences defendants’ participation: a discursive study of zero renditions and non-renditions in court interpreting. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2024:286 ► pp. 185 ff.
Määttä, Simo & Tuija Kinnunen
2024. The interplay between linguistic and non-verbal communication in an interpreter-mediated main hearing of a victim’s testimony. Multilingua 43:3 ► pp. 299 ff.
Tulbure, Corina
2024. Intercultural mediation and the state’s surveillance of motherhood: contradictions disclosing coloniality of relationships, racialisation, and emotional control. European Journal of Social Work► pp. 1 ff.
Defrancq, Bart & Sofie Verliefde
2023. A Dutch discourse marker in interpreter-mediated police interviewing with drafting: A corpus-based approach to dialogue interpreting. Research in Corpus Linguistics 11:2 ► pp. 50 ff.
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2023. When There Is a Language Issue. In Emergency Communication, ► pp. 117 ff.
2023. Navigating Intercultural Medical Encounters: An Examination of Patient-Centered Communication Practices with Italian and Foreign Cancer Patients Living in Italy. Cancers 15:11 ► pp. 3008 ff.
Wang, Caiwen & Raquel de Pedro Ricoy
2023. Introduction. Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:2 ► pp. 255 ff.
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2023. Göstergelerarası çeviri bağlamında sözlü çevirmenin rolü. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :32 ► pp. 1571 ff.
Hansen, Jessica Pedersen Belisle
2022. Recruiting repair: Making sense of interpreters’ embodied actions in a video-mediated environment. Discourse Studies 24:6 ► pp. 719 ff.
Anderson, Laurie Jane & Letizia Cirillo
2021. The Emergence and Relevance of Cultural Difference in Mediated Health Interactions. Health Communication 36:9 ► pp. 1101 ff.
Hansen, Jessica Pedersen Belisle & Jan Svennevig
2021. Creating space for interpreting within extended turns at talk. Journal of Pragmatics 182 ► pp. 144 ff.
Mapson, Rachel & George Major
2021. Interpreters, rapport, and the role of familiarity. Journal of Pragmatics 176 ► pp. 63 ff.
Napier, Jemina
2021. Signing Deaf Communities and Language Brokering. In Sign Language Brokering in Deaf-Hearing Families, ► pp. 1 ff.
2019. Body-oriented gestures as a practitioner's window into interpreted communication. Social Science & Medicine 233 ► pp. 171 ff.
Abdel Latif, Muhammad M. M.
2018. Towards a typology of pedagogy-oriented translation and interpreting research. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:3 ► pp. 322 ff.
Arumí Ribas, Marta
2018. La interpretación dialógica como práctica estratégica. Análisis de la toma de decisiones de cinco intérpretes en los Servicios Públicos. Meta 63:1 ► pp. 118 ff.
2016. Foreigners Before Themis: Legal Interpreting in Greece. In Challenges and Opportunities in Public Service Interpreting, ► pp. 213 ff.
Li, Shuangyu
2015. Nine Types of Turn-taking in Interpreter-mediated GP Consultations. Applied Linguistics Review 6:1 ► pp. 73 ff.
Niemants, Natacha, Claudio Baraldi & Laura Gavioli
2015. L’entretien clinique en présence d’un interprète : la traduction comme activité de coordination. Langage et société N° 153:3 ► pp. 31 ff.
Ticca, Anna Claudia & Véronique Traverso
2015. Interprétation, traduction orale et formes de médiation dans les situations sociales Introduction. Langage et société N° 153:3 ► pp. 7 ff.
Baraldi, Claudio & Laura Gavioli
2013. La mediazione nell'interazione centrata sul paziente: il caso delle domande del medico. SALUTE E SOCIETÀ :1 ► pp. 94 ff.
Baraldi, Claudio & Laura Gavioli
2013. Mediating patient-centred interaction: the case of doctors' questions. SALUTE E SOCIETÀ :1 ► pp. 104 ff.
Baraldi, Claudio & Laura Gavioli
2014. Are close renditions the golden standard? Some thoughts on translating accurately in healthcare interpreter-mediated interaction. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8:3 ► pp. 336 ff.
2024. Interpreters as facilitators of emotional expressions in multilingual medical interactions: Observations from Italian healthcare practices. Language and Health 2:1 ► pp. 47 ff.
2013. Mediating words, mediating worlds: Interpreting as hidden care work in a South African psychiatric institution. Transcultural Psychiatry 50:4 ► pp. 493 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 8 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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