Feng, Justin, Sohyun Cho & Gigi Luk
Assessing Theory of Mind in bilinguals: A scoping review on tasks and study designs.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 27:4
► pp. 531 ff.
Lee, Seongsil & Yasmeen Faroqi-Shah
A Meta-Analysis of Anomia Treatment in Bilingual Aphasia: Within- and Cross-Language Generalization and Predictors of the Treatment Outcomes.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 67:5
► pp. 1558 ff.
Muylle, Merel & Gonia Jarema
Navarro, Ester & Eleonora Rossi
Using latent variable analysis to capture individual differences in bilingual language experience.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 27:4
► pp. 700 ff.
Nkoala, Sisanda
Multilingual students’ linguistic repertoires as a resource: a case study of assessments in journalism studies.
International Multilingual Research Journal 18:4
► pp. 364 ff.
Olson, Daniel J. & Lori Czerwionka
The Complementary Principle and language dominance: mapping the language–domain relationships of Spanish–English bilinguals.
Wajda, Edyta & Anna Sanczyk-Cruz
Interdisciplinary contributions to higher language education: needs and expectations. In
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Allen, David & Keita Nakamura
The distribution of cognates and their impact on response accuracy in the EIKEN tests.
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► pp. 771 ff.
Chen, Jin, Sze Chai Kwok & Yongning Song
An intricate relationship between executive function and second‐language ability in a cohort of Uyghur‐Chinese bilingual children.
Developmental Science 26:2
Guediche, Sara, Eugenia Navarra-Barindelli & Clara D. Martin
Noise Modulates Crosslinguistic Effects on Second-Language Auditory Word Recognition.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 66:2
► pp. 635 ff.
Gullifer, Jason W., Irina Pivneva, Veronica Whitford, Naveed A. Sheikh & Debra Titone
Bilingual Language Experience and Its Effect on Conflict Adaptation in Reactive Inhibitory Control Tasks.
Psychological Science 34:2
► pp. 238 ff.
Hameau, Solène, Urszula Dmowski & Lyndsey Nickels
Factors affecting cross-language activation and language mixing in bilingual aphasia: A case study.
Aphasiology 37:8
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Dil Öğretiminde Geçişli Dil Süreçleri Pedagojisi Kullanımı: Bir Derleme Çalışması.
Dil Dergisi 174:1
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Developmental language disorder in sequential bilinguals: Characterising word properties in spontaneous speech.
Journal of Child Language 50:4
► pp. 954 ff.
Ramadani Hyseni, Rezarta, Fjolla Ramadani & Rinesa Berisha
Ars & Humanitas 17:2
► pp. 257 ff.
Revniuk, Volodymyr & Szilvia Bátyi
The relationship between bilingual language control and language dominance: An empirical study of visual language perception.
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 10:2
Rodríguez-Bernal, Lydia, Teresa Cadierno, Anna Doquin de Saint-Preux & Jørgen T. Lauridsen
Third Culture Kids in Denmark: exploring code-switching patterns according to interlocutors and topic emotionality.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.
Saez-Fajardo, Sara
The language learning strategies of multilinguals: the influence of age of acquisition in early bilingualism.
International Journal of Multilingualism ► pp. 1 ff.
Wang, Ruiyuan, Jing Han, Bruno Di Biase & Mark Antoniou
The effect of study-abroad experience on lexical translation among interpreting students.
Frontiers in Psychology 14
Wąsikiewicz-Firlej, Emilia & Michelle Daly
Family language policy in the context of return migration: A case study.
Glottodidactica 50:1
► pp. 213 ff.
Arvidsson, Klara & Andreas Jemstedt
The Perceived Importance of Language Skills in Europe—The Case of Swedish Migrants in France.
Languages 7:4
► pp. 290 ff.
Barr, Polly, Britta Biedermann & Lyndsey Nickels
Two bee oar knot too be: the effects of orthography and bilingualism on spoken homophone production.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37:8
► pp. 964 ff.
Corsi, Giulia, Xia Sushanghua & Alessandro Panunzi
Redazione e validazione della versione di screening del Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) in cinese mandarino.
CHIMERA: Revista de Corpus de Lenguas Romances y Estudios Lingüísticos 9
► pp. 87 ff.
Costa Waetzold, Juliane & Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer
How is the bilingual development of Portuguese heritage children perceived by their parents? Results from an ethnographic case study of a non-formal learning setting in Germany.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:3
► pp. 942 ff.
Frances, Candice, Eugenia Navarra-Barindelli & Clara D. Martin
Speaker Accent Modulates the Effects of Orthographic and Phonological Similarity on Auditory Processing by Learners of English.
Frontiers in Psychology 13
Munarriz-Ibarrola, Amaia, Maria-José Ezeizabarrena, Varun DC Arrazola & M. Carmen Parafita Couto
Navarro, Ester, Vincent DeLuca & Eleonora Rossi
It Takes a Village: Using Network Science to Identify the Effect of Individual Differences in Bilingual Experience for Theory of Mind.
Brain Sciences 12:4
► pp. 487 ff.
Seitz, Stephanie R. & Sara A. Smith
Talking the talk: Considering forced language-switching in the workplace.
Human Resource Management Review 32:2
► pp. 100833 ff.
Calandruccio, Lauren, Isabella Beninate, Jacob Oleson, Margaret K. Miller, Lori J. Leibold, Emily Buss & Barbara L. Rodriguez
A Simplified Approach to Quantifying a Child's Bilingual Language Experience.
American Journal of Audiology 30:3
► pp. 769 ff.
Grenoble, Lenore A. & Lindsay J. Whaley
Toward a new conceptualisation of language revitalisation.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42:10
► pp. 911 ff.
Gullifer, Jason W., Shanna Kousaie, Annie C. Gilbert, Angela Grant, Nathalie Giroud, Kristina Coulter, Denise Klein, Shari Baum, Natalie Phillips & Debra Titone
Bilingual language experience as a multidimensional spectrum: Associations with objective and subjective language proficiency.
Applied Psycholinguistics 42:2
► pp. 245 ff.
Halpin, Emily & Gigliana Melzi
Code-switching in the narratives of dual-language Latino preschoolers.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24:9
► pp. 1271 ff.
Kornder, Lisa & Ineke Mennen
Longitudinal Developments in Bilingual Second Language Acquisition and First Language Attrition of Speech: The Case of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Languages 6:2
► pp. 61 ff.
Kornder, Lisa & Ineke Mennen
Listeners’ Linguistic Experience Affects the Degree of Perceived Nativeness of First Language Pronunciation.
Frontiers in Psychology 12
Stępkowska, Agnieszka
Identity in the bilingual couple: Attitudes to language and culture.
Open Linguistics 7:1
► pp. 223 ff.
Stępkowska, Agnieszka
Acquisition of Polish among Foreigners in Bilingual Couples with Poles: Impact Factors.
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze 27:4
► pp. 217 ff.
Wei, Yuxiang
Entropy and Eye Movement: A Micro-analysis of Information Processing in Activity Units During the Translation Process. In
Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research [
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Dong, Yanping & Ping Li
Attentional control in interpreting: A model of language control and processing control.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23:4
► pp. 716 ff.
ERTEK, Betül & F. Büşra SÜVERDEM
İki Dillilik ve İki Kültürlülük: Göç, Kimlik ve Aidiyet.
The Journal of International Lingual Social and Educational Sciences 6:2
► pp. 183 ff.
Gullifer, Jason W. & Debra Titone
Characterizing the social diversity of bilingualism using language entropy.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23:2
► pp. 283 ff.
Martínez García, María Teresa
Martínez-García, María Teresa
Using Eye-Movements to Track Bilingual Activation.
Languages 4:3
► pp. 59 ff.
Mendel, Lisa Lucks, Monique A. Pousson, Johnnie K. Bass, Jordan Alyse Coffelt, Melanie Morris & Kati A. Lane
Spanish Pediatric Picture Identification Test.
American Journal of Audiology 29:3
► pp. 318 ff.
Tiv, Mehrgol, Jason W. Gullifer, Ruo Ying Feng & Debra Titone
Using network science to map what Montréal bilinguals talk about across languages and communicative contexts.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 56
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de Bruin, Angela
Not All Bilinguals Are the Same: A Call for More Detailed Assessments and Descriptions of Bilingual Experiences.
Behavioral Sciences 9:3
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Desjardins, Jamie L., Elisa G. Barraza & Jordan A. Orozco
Age-Related Changes in Speech Recognition Performance in Spanish–English Bilinguals' First and Second Languages.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62:7
► pp. 2553 ff.
López, Belem G., Esteffania Lezama & Dagoberto Heredia
Language Brokering Experience Affects Feelings Toward Bilingualism, Language Knowledge, Use, and Practices: A Qualitative Approach.
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 41:4
► pp. 481 ff.
Nickels, Lyndsey, Solène Hameau, Vishnu K. K. Nair, Polly Barr & Britta Biedermann
Ageing with bilingualism: benefits and challenges.
Speech, Language and Hearing 22:1
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Raman, Ilhan & Yasemin Yildiz
Orthographical, Phonological, and Morphological Challenges in Language Processing. In
Applied Psycholinguistics and Multilingual Cognition in Human Creativity [
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Raman, Ilhan & Yasemin Yildiz
Orthographical, Phonological, and Morphological Challenges in Language Processing. In
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Schaeffer, Moritz J., Sandra L. Halverson & Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Sevinç, Yeşim & Ad Backus
Anxiety, language use and linguistic competence in an immigrant context: a vicious circle?.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 22:6
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Buğa, Duygu
Central Language Hypothesis. In
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Cecelia Cutler & Unn Røyneland
Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication,
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The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism,
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Bilingual Adults and Children. In
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Kroll, Judith F., Paola E. Dussias & María Teresa Bajo
Language Use Across International Contexts: Shaping the Minds of L2 Speakers.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 38
► pp. 60 ff.
Schmid, Monika S. & Gülsen Yılmaz
Predictors of Language Dominance: An Integrated Analysis of First Language Attrition and Second Language Acquisition in Late Bilinguals.
Frontiers in Psychology 9
Volkovyskaya, Evgenia, Ilhan Raman & Bahman Baluch
Semantic Priming in Monolingual Russian and Bilingual Russian (L1)-English (L2) Speakers in a Single Word Naming Task. In
Psycholinguistics and Cognition in Language Processing [
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Volkovyskaya, Evgenia, Ilhan Raman & Bahman Baluch
Semantic Priming in Monolingual Russian and Bilingual Russian (L1)-English (L2) Speakers in a Single Word Naming Task. In
Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education,
► pp. 270 ff.
Hammer, Kate
They speak what language to whom?!.
Language & Communication 56
► pp. 42 ff.
L1 + L2 to the power of culture: acculturation and language use for cognitive domains in bilinguals.
Language and Cognition 10:2
► pp. 266 ff.
Hammer, Kate
Bilingual cogito: inner speech in acculturated bilinguals.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 22:5
► pp. 576 ff.
Kweider, Nour
Silvina Montrul, The acquisition of heritage languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. xv + 364..
Journal of Linguistics 53:3
► pp. 689 ff.
Woumans, Evy, Jan Versijpt, Anne Sieben, Patrick Santens & Wouter Duyck
Bilingualism and Cognitive Decline: A Story of Pride and Prejudice.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 60:4
► pp. 1237 ff.
Bangalore, Srinivas, Bergljot Behrens, Michael Carl, Maheshwar Ghankot, Arndt Heilmann, Jean Nitzke, Moritz Schaeffer & Annegret Sturm
Syntactic Variance and Priming Effects in Translation. In
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Fincham-Louis, Katherine
Unacknowledged Negotiations: Bilingual Students Report on How They Negotiate Their Languages Within the Monolingual Primary School System in Cyprus. In
Handbook of Comparative Studies on Community Colleges and Global Counterparts [
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► pp. 1 ff.
Fincham-Louis, Katherine
Unacknowledged Negotiations: Bilingual Students Report on How They Negotiate Their Languages Within the Monolingual Primary School System in Cyprus. In
Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 115 ff.
Hale, Sandra Beatriz & Jemina Napier
Schaeffer, Moritz, Barbara Dragsted, Kristian Tangsgaard Hvelplund, Laura Winther Balling & Michael Carl
Word Translation Entropy: Evidence of Early Target Language Activation During Reading for Translation. In
New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research [
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► pp. 183 ff.
Babcock, Laura & Antonino Vallesi
Language control is not a one-size-fits-all languages process: evidence from simultaneous interpretation students and the n-2 repetition cost.
Frontiers in Psychology 6
Bangalore, Srinivas, Bergljot Behrens, Michael Carl, Maheshwar Gankhot, Arndt Heilmann, Jean Nitzke, Moritz Schaeffer & Annegret Sturm
Schaeffer, Moritz & Michael Carl
Togato, Giulia, Natalia Paredes, Pedro Macizo & Teresa Bajo
Syntactic Processing in Professional Interpreters: Understanding Ambiguous Sentences in Reading and Translation.
Applied Linguistics ► pp. amv054 ff.
Kopeliovich, Shulamit
Happylingual: A Family Project for Enhancing and Balancing Multilingual Development. In
Successful Family Language Policy [
Multilingual Education, 7],
► pp. 249 ff.
Butler, Yuko Goto
Bilingualism/Multilingualism and Second‐Language Acquisition. In
The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism,
► pp. 109 ff.
Vorstman, Emmanuelle Le Pichon -
Genèse de l’évolution des représentations de la communication exolingue par des enfants plurilingues : au commencement était l’apprentissage de la langue étrangère..
Corela :HS-11
Zanetti, Dario, Livia Tonelli & Maria Rita Piras
Adaptation of the Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) to Sardinian: Clinical and social implications.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 25:6
► pp. 642 ff.
Transfer of conceptualization patterns in bilinguals: The construal of motion events in Turkish and German.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14:1
► pp. 95 ff.
Daller, Michael H., Cemal Yıldız, Nivja H. de Jong, Seda Kan & Ragıp Başbaĝi
Language dominance in Turkish-German bilinguals: methodological aspects of measurements in structurally different languages.
International Journal of Bilingualism 15:2
► pp. 215 ff.
Treffers-Daller, Jeanine
Operationalizing and measuring language dominance.
International Journal of Bilingualism 15:2
► pp. 147 ff.
Treffers-Daller, Jeanine
What Defines Language Dominance in Bilinguals?.
Annual Review of Linguistics 5:1
► pp. 375 ff.
Planas, Núria & Mamokgethi Setati
Bilingual students using their languages in the learning of mathematics.
Mathematics Education Research Journal 21:3
► pp. 36 ff.
Bilingual language representation and cognitive processes in translation.
Applied Psycholinguistics 29:1
► pp. 125 ff.
Mueller Gathercole, Virginia C., Enlli Mon Thomas & Emma Hughes
Designing a Normed Receptive Vocabulary Test for Bilingual Populations: A Model from Welsh.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 11:6
► pp. 678 ff.
Ruiz, C., N. Paredes, P. Macizo & M.T. Bajo
Activation of lexical and syntactic target language properties in translation.
Acta Psychologica 128:3
► pp. 490 ff.
Treffers-Daller, Jeanine, A. Sumru Özsoy & Roeland van Hout
(In)Complete Acquisition of Turkish Among Turkish–German Bilinguals in Germany and Turkey: An Analysis of Complex Embeddings in Narratives.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 10:3
► pp. 248 ff.
Bartlomiejczyk, Magdalena
Grosjean, François
Studying Bilinguals: Methodological and Conceptual Issues 1. In
The Handbook of Bilingualism,
► pp. 32 ff.
Grosjean, François
Bilingual and Monolingual Language Modes. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
Grosjean, François
Bicultural bilinguals.
International Journal of Bilingualism 19:5
► pp. 572 ff.
Grosjean, François
Bilingual and Monolingual Language Modes. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.
Macizo, Pedro & M. Teresa Bajo
Reading for repetition and reading for translation: do they involve the same processes?.
Cognition 99:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Field, Fredric
Long-term effects of CS: Clues to structural borrowing.
International Journal of Bilingualism 9:3-4
► pp. 341 ff.
Mendonça, Patrícia Villa da Costa Ferreira & Denise de Souza Fleith
Relação entre criatividade, inteligência e autoconceito em alunos monolíngues e bilíngües.
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional 9:1
► pp. 59 ff.
Roberts, Patricia A.
Bilingual Aphasia: A Brief Introduction.
Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders 15:2
► pp. 3 ff.
Christofffels, Ingrid
Simultaan tolken: hoe is het mogelijk?.
Neuropraxis 8:4
► pp. 103 ff.
Hapsburg, Deborah von & Elizabeth D. Peña
Understanding Bilingualism and Its Impact on Speech Audiometry.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 45:1
► pp. 202 ff.
Roberts, Patricia M., Linda J. Garcia, Alain Desrochers & Denise Hernandez
English performance of proficient bilingual adults on the Boston Naming Test.
Aphasiology 16:4-6
► pp. 635 ff.
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Bilinguals Who Are also Bicultural
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► pp. 131 ff.
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What a Bilingual's Languages Are Used For. In
The Mysteries of Bilingualism,
► pp. 102 ff.
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Who Is Bilingual?. In
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► pp. 7 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 8 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.