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investigating how a robot’s advice is received when it indicates that it is sharing the situational context with its user. In our
experiment, 80 participants interacted with a robot that referred to aspects of the shared context: Face tracking indicated that
the robot saw the participant, incremental feedback suggested that the robot was following their actions, and comments about, and
gestures towards, the shared physical situation and linguistic references to the dialog history indicated to participants that the
robot had learned from the interaction and perceived its surroundings. The results show that especially the linguistic and
gestural references to the shared context have a significant influence on participants’ compliance with the robot’s suggestions.
Thus, indicating that it is ‘in the same boat’ with the user, i.e. that it is sharing the situational context, increases a robot’s
persuasiveness during advice giving.
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2024. (Un-)persuasive robots: Exploring the effect of anthropomorphic cues on the foot-in-the-door effect across three experimental studies. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 2:1 ► pp. 100061 ff.
Xu, Jiaxin, Chao Zhang, Raymond H. Cuijpers & Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
2024. Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, ► pp. 810 ff.
Yi, Eunju & Do-Hyung Park
2024. Potential User Segmentation Based on Expectations of Social Robots Using Q-Methodology. IEEE Access 12 ► pp. 100295 ff.
Fischer, Kerstin
2023. 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), ► pp. 213 ff.
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