Article published In:
Experimental Semiotics: A new approach for studying the emergence and the evolution of human communication
Edited by Bruno Galantucci and Simon Garrod
[Interaction Studies 11:1] 2010
► pp. 5177
Cited by (32)

Cited by 32 other publications

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2019. Putting language back into ecological communication contexts. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34:4  pp. 536 ff. DOI logo
de Boer, Miriam, Idil Kokal, Mark Blokpoel, Rui Liu, Arjen Stolk, Karin Roelofs, Iris van Rooij & Ivan Toni
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Stolk, Arjen, Lennart Verhagen & Ivan Toni
2016. Conceptual Alignment: How Brains Achieve Mutual Understanding. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20:3  pp. 180 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Penelope
2015. Politeness and Language. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences,  pp. 326 ff. DOI logo
Stolk, Arjen, Mark Blokpoel, Iris van Rooij & Ivan Toni
2015. On the generation of shared symbols. In Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use,  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Blythe, Richard A., Thomas C. Scott-Phillips & Stephanie Ann White
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2013. Neural mechanisms of communicative innovation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:36  pp. 14574 ff. DOI logo
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Ito, Akira, Yuki Goto & Kazunori Terada
2012. 2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication,  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Scott-Phillips, Thomas C., Richard A. Blythe, Andy Gardner & Stuart A. West
2012. How do communication systems emerge?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279:1735  pp. 1943 ff. DOI logo
Holler, Judith & Katie Wilkin
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Ito, Akira & Kazunori Terada
2011. 2011 RO-MAN,  pp. 168 ff. DOI logo
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2011. Communicating without a functioning language system: Implications for the role of language in mentalizing. Neuropsychologia 49:11  pp. 3130 ff. DOI logo
Scott-Phillips, Thomas C. & Simon Kirby
2010. Language evolution in the laboratory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14:9  pp. 411 ff. DOI logo

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