Gaze in human-robot communication

Special Issue of Interaction Studies 14:3 (2013)

[Interaction Studies, 14:3] 2013.  xv, 179 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 June 2014
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Special Issue on Gaze in Human-Robot Communication
Frank Broz, Hagen Lehmann, Bilge Mutlu and Yukiko Nakano
Design of a gaze behavior at a small mistake moment for a robot
Masahiro Shiomi, Kayako Nakagawa and Norihiro Hagita
Robots can be perceived as goal-oriented agents
Alessandra Sciutti, Ambra Bisio, Francesco Nori, Giorgio Metta, Luciano Fadiga and Giulio Sandini
Can infants use robot gaze for object learning? The effect of verbalization
Yuko Okumura, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Shoji Itakura
Interactions between a quiz robot and multiple participants: Focusing on speech, gaze and bodily conduct in Japanese and English speakers
Akiko Yamazaki, Keiichi Yamazaki, Keiko Ikeda, Matthew Burdelski, Mihoko Fukushima, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Miyuki Kurihara, Yoshinori Kuno and Yoshinori Kobayashi
Cooperative gazing behaviors in human multi-robot interaction
Tian Xu, Hui Zhang and Chen Yu
Learning where to look
Yasser F.O. Mohammad and Toyoaki Nishida
Designing robot eyes for communicating gaze
Tomomi Onuki, Takafumi Ishinoda, Emi Tsuburaya, Yuki Miyata, Yoshinori Kobayashi and Yoshinori Kuno
Regularly submitted article
Course of maternal prosodic incitation (motherese) during early development in autism: An exploratory home movie study
Raquel S. Cassel, Catherine Saint-Georges, Ammar Mahdhaoui, Mohamed Chetouani, Marie Christine Laznik, Filippo Muratori, Jean-Louis Adrien and David Cohen

Interaction Studies

Interaction Studies