Article published In:
How the Brain Got Language: Towards a New Road Map
Edited by Michael A. Arbib
[Interaction Studies 19:1/2] 2018
► pp. 3853
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Cited by ten other publications

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Arbib, Michael A., Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael C. Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby S. Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson
2020. The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 (CNP-2018) road map for research on How the Brain Got Language. In How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map [Benjamins Current Topics, 112],  pp. 370 ff. DOI logo
Arbib, Michael A.
2018. Computational challenges of evolving the language-ready brain. Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 19:1-2  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Arbib, Michael A.
2020. Computational challenges of evolving the language-ready brain. In How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map [Benjamins Current Topics, 112],  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Arbib, Michael A., Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson
2018. The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 (CNP-2018) road map for research on How the Brain Got Language . Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 19:1-2  pp. 370 ff. DOI logo
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Semendeferi, Katerina
2020. Why do we want to talk?. In How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map [Benjamins Current Topics, 112],  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo

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