In this paper, I argue that an important component of the language-ready brain is the ability to recognize and conceptualize
events. By ‘event’, I mean any situation or activity in the world or our mental life, that we find salient enough to individuate
as a thought or word. While this may sound either trivial or non-unique to humans, I hope to show that abstracting away events and
their participants from the embodied flow of experience is a characteristic unique to humans. This ability is enabled, I will
argue, by two critical competencies that act as scaffolds for language-ready thought in the prehuman brain. The first, as argued
by Arbib (2006, 2012, 2016) and others, is a sophisticated system of gesture production and understanding in prehumans, which
provided a template for schema-like sequencing and slot-filling of information units. The second involves the integration of
multiple modalities of expression in the communicative act, in particular, the alignment of co-gestural speech and co-speech
gesture. With such computational facilities, action-based gestures can be abstracted away from their associated objects and become
full event representations. This view supports the MSH argument for the emergence of more complex linguistic expressions from
initially holophrastic units. In particular, actions can be thought of as protoverbs, which through this process are abstracted to
full event descriptions, i.e., verbs.
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Krishnaswamy, Nikhil & James Pustejovsky
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