Systematic iterative design of interactive devices for animals
Guidance and reflections
The numerous systems designed to facilitate animals’ use of computers often are specific to the animals involved, their unique context, and the applications – enrichment among them. Hence, several development methods have arisen in parallel, largely transposed from the human-computer interaction (HCI) domain. In light of that prior work, the paper presents a step-by-step guide for iteratively designing and constructing interactive computers for animals, informed by the rich history of HCI yet applying animal-centred principles, to enrich animal-computer interaction. For each stage in the iterative design (requirements, ideation, prototyping, and testing), the author reflects on real-world experience of building interactive devices for various animals. The paper concludes with overarching considerations vital for future practice of developing interactive computers for animals. Thus, it serves as a valuable reference and information source for researchers designing novel computer systems for animals.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Iterative design
- 2.1Iterative design with animals
- 2.2Iterative design with animals, from theory to practice
- 2.3An iterative design model for developing technology for animals
- 3.Requirements
- 3.1Compiling the requirements: Lessons learned
- 4.Ideation
- 4.1Key lessons from ideation experience
- 5.Prototyping
- 5.1Insight related to prototyping
- 6.Testing and analysis
- 6.1Lessons for testing and analysis
- 7.Key considerations in iterative design for animals
- 8.Conclusions
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Kankaanpää, Vilma, Fay E Clark & Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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