Vocalize to Localize

Special issue of Interaction Studies 5:3 (2004)

Christian Abry | Université Stendhal Grenoble III/ICP
Anne Vilain | Université Stendhal Grenoble III/ICP
Jean-Luc Schwartz | Université Stendhal Grenoble III/ICP
[Interaction Studies, 5:3] 2005.  125 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 18 April 2005
Table of Contents
Introduction: Vocalize to Localize? A call for better crosstalk between auditory and visual communication systems researchers: From meerkats to humans
Christian Abry, Anne Vilain and Jean-Luc Schwartz
Vocalize to localize: A test on functionally referential alarm calls
Marta B. Manser and Lindsay B. Fletcher
Mirror neurons, gestures and language evolution
Leonardo Fogassi and Pier Francesco Ferrari
Lateralization of communicative signals in nonhuman primates and the hypothesis of the gestural origin of language
Jacques Vauclair
Manual deixis in apes and humans
David A. Leavens
Neandertal vocal tract: Which potential for vowel acoustics?
Louis-Jean Boë, Jean-Louis Heim, Christian Abry and Pierre Badin

Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General