This paper reports the results of a meta-analysis of 39 published studies conducted during the last decade (from
2006 to 2016) on the effects of instruction and corrective feedback on learning second language (L2) pragmatics. The study
meta-analyzed the effects of instruction in terms of several moderator variables including mode of instruction, type of
instruction, outcome measures, length of instruction, language proficiency, and durability of the instructional effects. It was
found that (a) computer-assisted instruction generated larger effects than face-to-face instruction, (b) instruction was generally
more effective for L2 pragmatic comprehension than production, (c) instruction produced larger effects when tested by selected
response outcome measures although different patterns were observed across explicit-implicit categories, (d) longer treatments
generated a larger effect size than shorter treatments, (e) studies conducted with intermediate level learners produced larger
effect sizes than beginner or advanced level learners, and (f) the observed effects of instruction were maintained.
(Note: Studies included in the meta-analysis are marked by an asterisk *)
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