Grammaticalization of en vías de
A multidimensional linguistic change
The aim sought with this research is to show the process of
grammaticalization experienced by the prepositional locution en vías
de, originated in the prepositional phrase en vía
de. The study was carried out through work with diachronic and
synchronic corpora which provides evidence that the history of the
linguistic change occurred in en vías de has a
multidimensional nature, since semantic-pragmatic, morphological, syntactic
and textual factors linked by the concepts of ‘process,’ ‘progression,’ and
‘development’ interact in it. The analysis shows that four aspects impact
directly on the linguistic innovation of en vías de:
semantic change, which revolves around the prototypical and marginal
meanings of the Latin noun vĭa; the diachronic diffusion of
the prepositional locution and the contexts that it selects between the 14th
and 21st centuries, which favor the routinization of prototypical
collocational structures; the degree of morphological, syntactic and
lexical-diatopical fixation; and finally, the texts where the prepositional
locution originated and became widespread and the topics they deal with.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Grammaticalization of en vías de: Reanalysis and semantic change
- 3.Frequency index
- 4.Diachronic diffusion of en vía/vías de
- 5.Morphological, syntactic and lexical-diatopical variation of en
vías de
- 6.Discursive origin, difussion and adoption of en vías
- 7.Conclusions
Textual sources