On the importance of a diachronic approach to phraseology
A diachronic approach to Phraseology may provide us the
key to understand the nature of the phraseological phenomenon, thus
contributing to the establishment of the subdiscipline. In this paper, we
underline the relation between Phraseology and language change, showing the
similarities between Phraseologization and Grammaticalization processes and,
subsequently, focusing on their differences. Having explained the general
Phraseologization process, we focus on its three sides: the acquisition of
structural, semantic and pragmatic fixedness, leading to the synchronic
features known as polylexicality and idiomaticity. Having seen the
importance of semantic and pragmatic factors in the process, we describe
Phraseologization in terms of semantic change, using the Spanish idiom “con
pelos y señales” as an example.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Preliminary remarks on terminology
- 1.2A brief review of Hispanic phraseology
- 1.3Current state of the art: Conceptual and terminological issues
- 1.3.1On the name of the subject
- 1.3.2Linguistic units
- 1.3.3Subcategories
- 1.3.4Essential features
- 1.4The importance of a diachronic approach
- 2.Phraseology and language change
- 2.1Phraseologization and grammaticalization: Similar processes
- 2.2Phraseologization: A process involving more than a word
- 3.Phraseologization: Structural, semantic and pragmatic fixation
- 3.1Structural fixation: Fixedness (polylexicality)
- 3.2Semantic fixation: Idiomaticity I
- 3.3Pragmatic fixation: Idiomaticity II
- 4.The emergence of phraseological meaning
- 5.Conclusions
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