Solipsistic and inter-subjective attitude reports
From representational to volitionals
This paper establishes a difference between solipistic and inter-subjective profiles of the attitudes across the epistemic and the bouletic domain. Revisiting the classical Hamblinian view, we propose that attitudes feature speech-act like content, which present p for uptake in the common ground and argue that the uptake with bouletics is ‘realization’. Focusing on a debated distinction between action-oriented vs. mere desire reports, we derive actionability as a felicity condition on the inter-subjective use of want in particular. We study a variety of bouletics in Italian, and show how their temporal and rationality constraints relate to their private or public status and how the default inter-subjective interpretation of want can be manipulated by specific lexical material.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Solipsistic and inter-subjective interpretations of the representational attitudes
- 3.Desiderative reports and ascriptions
- 3.1Data
- Rationality
- Temporal orientation
- Actions
- 3.2Previous analysis
- Are desire reports like all attitude reports?
- Double material
- (At least) two types of desire
- 4.Analysis
- 4.2Inter-subjective want
- 4.2Solipsistic bouletics
- 5.Conclusion
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