Amel Kallel | Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis
The purpose of this paper is to provide quantitative substantiation for the role of bridging context in grammatical
change. Bridging contexts are assumed to be environments compatible with the new function that an item is acquiring. The evolving item would
therefore be predicted to occur in bridging contexts at significant rates just before the change. To test this prediction, the well-known
evolution of Negative Polarity Items into an n-word is analysed, using the well-documented case of the aucun in the history
of French. Charting its course in a monogeneric corpus of narrative legal material, we find that the item occurs in strong negative polarity
environments at rates of over 50% before it is found in a majority of n-word uses. This supports the view that bridging contexts are
instrumental to change, and that they involve quantitative conditions.
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