The Evolution of Pragmatic Markers

Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics 6:2 (2005)

ORCID logoMaj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen | University of Copenhagen
Corinne Rossari | University of Fribourg
[Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 6:2] 2005.  179 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 June 2005
Table of Contents
The evolution of pragmatic markers: Introduction
Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen and Corinne Rossari
The journey of non-standard discourse markers in Quebec French: Networks based on exemplification
Diane Vincent
Tracing the origins of a set of discourse particles: Swedish particles of the type you know
Jan K. Lindström and Camilla Wide
On the origins of scalar particles in Italian
Jacqueline Visconti
Polar meaning and “expletive” negation in approximative adverbs: Spanish por poco (no)
Salvador Pons Bordería and Scott A. Schwenter
Identity and semantic change: Aspects of T/V usage in Cyprus
Marina Terkourafi
A retrospective on address in Portugal (1982–2002): Rethinking power and solidarity
Sandi Michele de Oliveira
Book Reviews
Review of Busse (2002): Linguistic Variation in the Shakespeare Corpus: Morphosyntactic Variability of Second Person Pronouns
Reviewed by Terry Walker
Review of Taavitsainen & Jucker (2003): Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems
Reviewed by Norman F. Blake
Review of Topalovic (2003): Sprachwahl – Textsorte – Dialogstruktur. Zu Verhörprotokollen aus Hexenprozessen des 17. Jahrhunderts
Reviewed by Hans Ramge
Review of Hiltunen & Watanabe (2004): Approaches to Style and Discourse in English
Reviewed by Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky
Review of Becker (2003): Familiar Dialogues in Englyssh and Frenche. Sprachliche Interaktion und ihre Vermittlung in der frühen Neuzeit
Reviewed by Ulrich Busse
Contents of Volume 6
Cited by (2)

Cited by two other publications

Ionescu, Alice & Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu
2018. Les marqueurs de changement de topique du discours en roumain : évolution sémantique et rôle pragmatique. Discours :23 DOI logo
Rodríguez Somolinos, Amalia
2011. Présentation : Les marqueurs du discours – approches contrastives. Langages n° 184:4  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo

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Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General