This study examines the opaque reproduction of racism in an online, anti-racist campaign officially aiming to
denounce hate speech and challenge widespread stereotypes concerning migrants. In particular, we investigate the video clips of
the #StopMindBorders campaign launched by the Greek branch of the International Organization for Migration. We
specifically concentrate on the liquid racism attested in these video clips, namely a highly ambivalent form of
racism encouraged in the mass media and usually hard to detect, as it involves multiple interpretations, some of which may not be
assessed as racist (Weaver 2016). The multimodal critical analysis of the
representation of migrants reveals that these video clips tacitly promote migrants’ linguocultural assimilation as a prerequisite
for their acceptance in the host country. In this sense, although the anti-racist campaign under scrutiny attempts to refute
discourses of aggression and mainstream stereotypes against migrants, it ends up naturalizing hate speech and reproducing
assimilative and monoculturalist ideologies.
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