Article published In:
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
Vol. 2:1 (2016) ► pp.5692
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2020. Pronunciation Can Be Acquired Outside the Classroom: Design and Assessment of Homework‐Based Training. The Modern Language Journal 104:2  pp. 457 ff. DOI logo
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Ding, Shaojin, Christopher Liberatore, Sinem Sonsaat, Ivana Lučić, Alif Silpachai, Guanlong Zhao, Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen, John Levis & Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna
2019. Golden speaker builder – An interactive tool for pronunciation training. Speech Communication 115  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Huensch, Amanda
2019. The pronunciation teaching practices of university‐level graduate teaching assistants of French and Spanish introductory language courses. Foreign Language Annals 52:1  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Murphy, Solange Lopes, Timothy M. Hall & Angelica Lina Vanderbilt
2019. Supporting English Learners' Development of Intelligible Speech. In Applied Linguistics for Teachers of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners [Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies, ],  pp. 380 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya, Mai Tran, Yui Suzukida, Hui Sun, Viktoria Magne & Meltem Ilkan
Sturm, Jessica L.
2019. Current approaches to pronunciation instruction: A longitudinal case study in French. Foreign Language Annals 52:1  pp. 32 ff. DOI logo
Tsai, Pi-hua
2019. Beyond self-directed computer-assisted pronunciation learning: a qualitative investigation of a collaborative approach. Computer Assisted Language Learning 32:7  pp. 713 ff. DOI logo
2018. Pronunciation Instruction Can Improve L2 Learners’ Bottom‐Up Processing for Listening. The Modern Language Journal 102:4  pp. 653 ff. DOI logo
Sadat‐Tehrani, Nima
2017. Teaching English Stress: A Case Study. TESOL Journal 8:4  pp. 943 ff. DOI logo
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2021. Tools: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Spelling. In Introduction to TESOL,  pp. 226 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.