Asymmetry of Locality
A Minimalist View
Abstract. This paper deals with an old, but recurrent, topic of a certain asymmetry of in situ wh-words with respect to classical extraction domains. Huang's analysis (1982) of wh-word scope tak-ing cannot offer an empirically adequate account for this important asymmetry, apart from the conceptual problem that does not fit into the minimalist assumption of computation (Chomsky 1995). I suggest two ways of scope taking at LF: movement of way 'why' vs. unselective binding of indefi-nite wh-words by the question morpheme. I will show that scope taking of in situ wh-words along this way can nicely account for the observed asymmetry of in situ wh-words with respect to islands, conforming to the minimalist thesis of movement as a last resort.