Beyond Coherence
The syntax of opacity in German
The overarching theme of this volume is one of the central concerns of syntactic theory: How local is syntax, and what are the measures of syntactic locality? It is argued here that movement and anaphoric relations are governed by a unified concept of locality: the phase. On an empirical level, Beyond Coherence brings together three strands of research on German syntax: ‘coherence’, the study of (reduced) infinitive constructions; the possessor dative construction, with a dative nominal playing the dual role of possessor and affectee; and binding, the distribution of anaphors and pronominals. These apparently disparate areas of research intersect in that the locality constraints on the possessor dative construction and binding allow the two phenomena to serve as probes for infinitival clause size. Offering a Minimalist ‘possessor raising’ and phase-based binding account, this work culminates in a discussion of the phase as the key to the various opacity effects observed in the book.
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 114] 2007. viii, 206 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface | p. viii
Introduction | pp. 1–3
Part I. Reduced infinitive constructions
Chapter 1: Coherence and restructuring | pp. 6–30
1.1 (Non)finite complementation and transparency
1.2 Coherence, non-coherence, and a "third" construction
1.3 A typology of (non-)restructuring
Part II. The possessor dative construction
Chapter 2: German possessor datives: Raised and affected | pp. 33–86
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Scope of the chapter
2.3 Possessor raising
2.4 Possessor datives in a framework of dynamic structure-building
2.5 Residual issues
Chapter 3: Possessor raising as coherence diagnostic | pp. 87–112
3.1 Scrambling and long passive as diagnostics for infinitival clause size
3.2 Possessor datives: A more reliable probe
3.3 Possessor datives in the context of AcIs
Part III. Coherence by phase
Chapter 4: A phase-based binding account of (non-)complementarity in German | pp. 115–159
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Previous accounts
4.3 Binding domains and agentivity
4.4 Taking the analysis to the next phase
Chapter 5: Binding, possessor datives, and phasehood | pp. 160–178
5.1 Parallels between binding and possessor datives as probes for transparency
5.2 The phase as the key to opacity effects
Appendix A | pp. 179–180
Appendix B | pp. 181–191
Name index | pp. 201–202
Subject index | pp. 203–206
“In probing the 'Satzwertigkeit' of infinitives, Vera Lee-Schoenfeld shows great sensitivity to key questions of both traditional philology and modern syntactic theory. Her insightful analysis of the surprising Possessor Dative Construction facts makes an essential contribution to the lively debate on locality in syntax, yielding an empirical argument that is sure to be influential.”
C. Jan-Wouter Zwart, University of Groningen
“Lee-Schoenfeld provides a masterful guide through the intricate data on a fundamental syntactic question: what makes a phrase into a boundary for syntactic processes? Drawing on extensive data from German, she shows that disparate empirical domainspossessor datives and binding factsconverge on a new understanding of ‘clausal’ locality effects emerging from the phase. This landmark study is a significant contribution to our understanding of German syntax.”
Jason Merchant, University of Chicago
Cited by (9)
Cited by nine other publications
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Grano, Thomas & Howard Lasnik
Oya, Toshiaki
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Lee-Schoenfeld, Vera
Pitteroff, Marcel
Pitteroff, Marcel & Cinzia Campanini
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 15 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General