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Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages
Edited by Dalina Kallulli and Liliane Tasmowski
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 130] 2008
► pp. 227255
Cited by (24)

Cited by 24 other publications

Baker, Mark C.
2022. Agree without agreement in object clitic doubling constructions. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Bhattacharya, Tanmoy & Jyoti Sharma
2022. A morphosyntactic account of agreement in Mara. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Carstens, Vicki
2022. Addressee agreement and clitic raising in Kiunguja Swahili. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 56 ff. DOI logo
De Cia, Simone
2022. Topicality and object–past participle agreement in Friulian. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Devos, Maud & Rozenn Guérois
2022. Micro-variation in object marking in North Mozambican Bantu languages. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 164 ff. DOI logo
Gračanin-Yuksek, Martina
2022. Agreement in Turkish relative clauses. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 340 ff. DOI logo
Hallman, Peter & Rashid Al-Balushi
2022. Pronominalization and clitic doubling in Syrian and Omani Arabic. Linguistics 60:5  pp. 1295 ff. DOI logo
Irimia, Monica Alexandrina & Eva-Maria Roessler
2022. DOM and other object-marking strategies. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Milković, Marina & Ronnie Wilbur
2022. Agreement marking in Croatian Sign Language. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Andrew Nevins, Anita Peti-Stantic, Mark de Vos & Jana Willer-Gold
2022. Angles of Object Agreement, DOI logo
Overfelt, Jason
2022. Asymmetric symmetry in Tigrinya object marking. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Riedel, Kristina
2022. Object marking in Bantu. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Sonnenhauser, Barbara & Paul Widmer
2022. Object clause indexing in Albanian. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
Steinbach, Markus
2022. Differential object marking in sign languages?. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Willer-Gold, Jana
2022. Introduction. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Willer-Gold, Jana & Anita Peti-Stantić
2022. A multiple-agreement approach to auxiliary clitic drop in Croatian. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Barbosa, Pilar P.
2018. Controlled overt pronouns as specificational predicates. In Complement Clauses in Portuguese [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 17],  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Sikuku, Justine M., Michael Diercks & Michael R. Marlo
2018. Pragmatic effects of clitic doubling. Linguistic Variation 18:2  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Kallulli, Dalina
2014. Some Observations on Imposters in Albanian. In Cross-Linguistic Studies of Imposters and Pronominal Agreement,  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Kramer, Ruth
2014. Clitic doubling or object agreement: the view from Amharic. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 32:2  pp. 593 ff. DOI logo
Soltic, Jorie
2013. Clitic Doubling in Vernacular Medieval Greek. Transactions of the Philological Society 111:3  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. List of abbreviations. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. viii ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. Copyright Page. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. iv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. General preface. In Angles of Object Agreement,  pp. vii ff. DOI logo

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