The Syntax of Tuki
A cartographic approach
This monograph conducts a syntactic study of Tuki, a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon, from a cartographic perspective. The following domains are meticulously explored: The Complementizer Domain, the Inflectional Domain and the Verbal Domain. This study reveals that there is a relative phrase (RelP) located between ForceP and FocP. Moreover, a detailed analysis of an articulated IP provides the order of clausal functional heads that manifest aspectual morphology, which is theoretically closely related to issues in adverbial syntax. Additionally, the language under study unveils a very rich structural make up of DP and the surface word orders attested in this phrase can be accounted for in terms of snowballing movement operations along the lines previously sketched in the format of the Split DP Hypothesis. Overall, this cartographic analysis is bound to enrich our morphosyntactic knowledge of UG clausal architecture by demonstrating that its rich underlying structural skeleton is correlated by a wealthy surface structural and functional map.
Edmond Biloa is professor of Linguistics and Chair of the Department of African Languages and Linguistics at the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon (Africa).
Edmond Biloa is professor of Linguistics and Chair of the Department of African Languages and Linguistics at the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon (Africa).
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 203] 2013. xxv, 611 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 June 2013
Published online on 10 June 2013
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Foreword: On cartographic studies | pp. xvii–xx
Preface | pp. xxi–xxii
Acknowledgements | pp. xxiii–xxiv
Abbreviations | pp. xxv–xxvi
Chapter 1. Introduction | pp. 1–34
Chapter 2. Clause structure | pp. 35–92
Chapter 3. The order of clausal functional heads: Tense, aspect, and modality | pp. 93–124
Chapter 4. Adverbs | pp. 125–176
Chapter 5. Null subjects, identification and proper government | pp. 177–198
Chapter 6. Null objects and the pro-drop parameter | pp. 199–224
Chapter 7. A-bar bound pro | pp. 225–288
Chapter 8. Null arguments, agreement, movement and configurationality | pp. 289–326
Chapter 9. DP structure and concord | pp. 327–380
Chapter 10. Adjectives and the split – DP structure | pp. 381–406
Chapter 11. The cartography of the left periphery | pp. 407–476
Chapter 12. Arguments, adjuncts and relativized minimality | pp. 477–496
Chapter 13. Focus-V-Movement, predicate doubling and parallel chains | pp. 497–544
Chapter 14. Anaphora and binding | pp. 545–558
Chapter 15. Bound variables | pp. 559–580
Chapter 16. Conclusion | pp. 581–582
References | pp. 583–600
Name index | pp. 601–604
Subject index | pp. 605–612
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Main BIC Subject
CF/2HCB: Linguistics/Bantu languages
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General