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Possessors, Predicates and Movement in the Determiner Phrase
Edited by Artemis Alexiadou and Chris Wilder
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 22] 1998
► pp. 177214
Cited by (39)

Cited by 39 other publications

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Hu, Xuhui
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ten Wolde, Elnora
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Alexiadou, Artemis & Melita Stavrou
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Tănase‐Dogaru, Mihaela
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2005. The structure of (in)definiteness. Lingua 115:6  pp. 915 ff. DOI logo
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2003. Antisymmetry, Linearization and Movement (A. Moro, Dynamic Antisymmetry). ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 20:1  pp. 274 ff. DOI logo
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Klein, Elaine C.
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2006. Consolidated References. In The Blackwell Companion to Syntax,  pp. 439 ff. DOI logo

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