Control from inside
Evidence from Japanese
Traditional assumptions hold that the reference
of complement control PRO is dependent on the reference of a higher
argument and that the lexical properties of the embedding predicate
are mostly responsible for controller determination. Against such
views, this study argues for the possibility that the reference of
certain instances of PRO (PC PRO) derives from its own internal
structure. The insight comes from Japanese data where certain force
suffixes appear in the complements of attitude predicates. These
forces are proposed to arise from C-PRO indexical
(speaker/addressee) agreement. Similar views have been presented in
my previous works (Matsuda
2015a; b,
2017a; b, 2019), with some revisions along the way.
This paper provides new supporting data and presents my revised
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data
- 2.1Control as force embedding
- 2.2Partial control
- 2.3De se
- 2.4Nonbiunique selectional relations
- 2.5Forces in roots
- 3.Interim summary
- 4.Extension to English
- 4.1Subject, object and split control
- 4.2Partial control
- 5.How does the force arise clause-internally?
- 5.1A force-specific head?
- 5.2Indexical agreement
- 5.3Creating a de se/te property
- 6.Associative structure
- 7.Remaining issues and conclusion
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Landau, Idan

Landau, Idan
Noncanonical Obligatory Control.
Language and Linguistics Compass 18:3

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