Event control
In this paper, we argue that a set of small
clause adjuncts involves a control relation with the event in the
main clause functioning as controller – we call this instance of
control event control. First, we clarify the empirical picture by
looking at data from German, Norwegian, and English. Second, we show
that event control is obligatory control and therefore suggest that
it should be syntactically licensed in the same way. Our theoretical
account is based on ideas by Whelpton (1995, 2002), Lohndal
(2014), Fischer
(2018), and Høyem (2018, 2019),
and we ultimately propose that event control is syntactically
licensed under upward Agree with underspecified PRO as probe and a
Davidsonian event argument in the main clause as goal.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Empirical evidence
- 2.1Scope: Negation, co-occurrence, coordination
- 2.2Binding effects
- 2.3Event control is obligatory control
- 3.Theoretical approach
- 3.1Basic assumptions of the hybrid theory of control
- 3.2Event control: Technical implementation
- 3.2.1Licensing of PROe in VP adjuncts (= type B, C,
D adjuncts)
- 3.2.2Licensing of PROe in CP adjuncts (= type A
- 3.3Multiple agree
- 3.4On the distinction between standard PRO and
- 4.Conclusion
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Fischer, Silke & Inghild Flaate Høyem
Adjunct control in German, Norwegian, and English.
The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 25:1
► pp. 1 ff.

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