The (null) subject of adjunct infinitives in spoken
In this paper, I present a corpus study of
adjunct infinitives in spoken Spanish, investigating null and overt
subjects with respect to their control properties. I provide
quantitative as well as qualitative data which show that (i) some
instances of (null) subjects in adjunct infinitives do not easily
fall into a division of predicative vs. logophoric control (Williams 1992), but that
topicality is a relevant factor as well (Landau 2013, 2019), and (ii) control in spoken Spanish
adjunct infinitives is a scalar phenomenon, being located at the
syntax-pragmatics interface.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Adjunct control between predication and logophoricity
- 3.The (null) subject of Spanish adjunct infinitives – PRO or
- 4.A corpus study of adjunct infinitives in spoken Spanish
- 4.1The data
- 4.2Annotating controller choice for quantitative
- 4.3Results
- 4.4Discussion
- 5.Adjunct control in spoken Spanish data – some
- 6.Towards an analysis: Discourse linking via C and preference scales for
- 6.1The case of null subjects in adjunct infinitives
- 6.2The case of overt subjects in adjunct infinitives
- 6.3On differences between types of adjunct infinitives
- 7.Conclusions
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Landau, Idan

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