Non-canonical control in a cross-linguistic perspective
Introduction to the volume
Article outline
- 1.Issues in non-canonical control
- 2.Overview of the book
- Part I.Non-canonical control in complement clauses
- Artemis Alexiadou & Elena Anagnostopoulou: Backward control, long distance agree, nominative case and
TP/CP transparency
- Pilar Barbosa: Alleged obligatorily controlled inflected
- Ion Giurgea & Maria Aurelia Cotfas: Agent control in passives in Romanian
- Hyunjung Lee & Mike Berger: On the obligatory versus no control split in Korean
- Asako Matsuda: Control from inside: Evidence from Japanese
- Krisztina Szécsényi: Control and covert modality in Hungarian: MECs and
postverbal-only focus constructions
- Part II.Non-canonical control in adjunct clauses
- Silke Fischer & Inghild Flaate Høyem: Event control
- Juliana Gerard: Adjunct control and the poverty of the stimulus: availability
vs. evidence
- Peter Herbeck: The (null) subject of adjunct infinitives in spoken