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Adverbials: The interplay between meaning, context, and syntactic structure
Edited by Jennifer R. Austin, Stefan Engelberg and Gisa Rauh
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 70] 2004
► pp. 103129
Cited by (13)

Cited by 13 other publications

Wiliński, Jarosław
2023. The ADV speaking-construction in American English: A quantitative corpus-based investigation. Topics in Linguistics 24:2  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Wolfe, Andrew J.
2020. Variation in auxiliary to T movement: evidence from adverbs. <i>WORD</i> 66:1  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
Bartos, Huba
2019. The V-copy construction in Mandarin. In Interfaces in grammar [Language Faculty and Beyond, 15],  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Delfitto, Denis & Gaetano Fiorin
2017. Adverb Classes and Adverb Placement. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, Second Edition,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Dimković-Telebaković, Gordana
2016. Phrase Structure Patterning and Licensing for English and Serbian Speaker-Oriented Adverb Subclasses. Romanian Journal of English Studies 13:1  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Rhee, Seongha
2016. LP and RP in the development of discourse markers from “what” in Korean. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 17:2  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Rauh, Gisa
2015. Adverbs as a linguistic category (?). In Adverbs [Studies in Language Companion Series, 170],  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Mori, Yoshiki & Hitomi Hirayama
2014. Bare Plurals in the Left Periphery in German and Italian. In New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8417],  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Arnaut-Karović, Kamiah
2013. SOME CONSTRAINTS ON PASSIVE ATTRIBUTES AND PROBLEMS OF CATEGORIZATION. Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Zenici (Online)  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Humberstone, Lloyd
2008. CAN EVERY MODIFIER BE TREATED AS A SENTENCE MODIFIER?. Philosophical Perspectives 22:1  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Bale, Alan Clinton
2007. Quantifiers and verb phrases: An exploration of propositional complexity. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 25:3  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
Ernst, Thomas
2007. On the role of semantics in a theory of adverb syntax. Lingua 117:6  pp. 1008 ff. DOI logo
Law, Paul
2006. Adverbs in A-not-A Questions in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 15:2  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo

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