Bilingual language control across modalities
The relationship between mixed-language comprehension and production
Bilingual language control has previously been tested separately in tasks of language comprehension and language production. Whereas these studies have suggested that local control processes are selectively recruited during mixed-language production, the present study investigated whether measures of global control show the same dependence on modality, or are shared across modalities. Thirty-eight Dutch-French bilingual young adults participated by completing two tasks of bilingual language control in both modalities. Global accuracy on mixed-language comprehension was related to mixing costs on bilingual verbal fluency, but only when compared to the L2-baseline. Global performance on mixed-language production was related to forward (L1-to-L2) switch costs. Finally, a significant correlation was found between the mixing cost on verbal fluency and forward switch costs on the comprehension task. The results are interpreted as evidence for the involvement of monitoring processes in bilingual language control across modality. The results also highlight the relevance of language switch directionality.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Method
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Tasks
- 2.2.1Mixed-language semantic categorisation task
- 2.2.2Single- and mixed-language verbal fluency
- 2.3Procedure
- 2.3.1General procedure
- 2.3.2Data analysis
- semantic categorisation task
- and mixed-language verbal-fluency
- analyses
- 3.Results
- 3.1Measures of mixed-language semantic categorisation task
- 3.1.1Effects of language, switch and switch directionality
- 3.1.2Global mixed-language comprehension
- 3.2Measures of single- and mixed-language verbal fluency
- 3.2.1Single-language conditions
- 3.2.2Mixed-language condition
- 3.2.3Mixing costs
- 3.3Correlations between measures of mixed-language production and comprehension
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusion
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