This paper presents an eye-tracking study using the Visual World Paradigm that tests whether participants are able to access gender information on definite articles and deploy it to facilitate lexical retrieval of subsequent nouns. A comparison of heritage speakers of Spanish with control monolingual speakers of Spanish suggests that the heritage speakers’ performance on this task is qualitatively similar to that of the baseline. This suggests that, despite non-target-like performance in offline tasks targeting gender production and comprehension, heritage speakers of Spanish can use gender in a target-like manner in online tasks. In line with proposals put forth by Grüter et al. (2012) and Montrul et al. (2014), a preliminary comparison with previous work on L2 learners (Lew-Williams & Fernald, 2010; Grüter et al., 2012; Dussias et al., 2013) provides tentative support for the idea that the nature of early language learning is crucial in developing the ability to use grammatical gender to facilitate lexical retrieval (Grüter et al., 2012; Montrul et al., 2014).
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Parshina, Olga, Nina Ladinskaya, Lidia Gault & Irina A. Sekerina
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Prystauka, Yanina, Jiuzhou Hao, Reinaldo Cabrera Perez & Jason Rothman
2024. Lexical interference and prediction in sentence processing among Russian heritage speakers: an individual differences approach. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 8:3 ► pp. 223 ff.
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Luque, Alicia, Eleonora Rossi, Maki Kubota, Megan Nakamura, César Rosales, Cristina López-Rojas, Yulia Rodina & Jason Rothman
2023. Morphological transparency and markedness matter in heritage speaker gender processing: an EEG study. Frontiers in Psychology 14
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Parshina, Olga, Anastasiya Lopukhina & Irina A. Sekerina
2022. Can Heritage Speakers Predict Lexical and Morphosyntactic Information in Reading?. Languages 7:1 ► pp. 60 ff.
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