Chapter 1. Enregistering the North
The dialect of Mendicus in William Bullein’s Dialogue Against the Fever Pestilence
William Bullein’s Dialogue Against the Fever Pestilence (1st ed. 1564) was
reprinted by the Early English Text Society in 1888 and later included in Early
English Books Online (EEBO). Although much of the scholarly interest in the text
has been in the areas of medical history (e.g. Mitchell 1959) and Early Modern
English literature (e.g. Griffiths 2007), it has recently caught the attention of
scholars interested in dialects of Early Modern English (Taavitsainen,
Melchers and Pahti (eds.) 1999; Wales 2006; Ruano Garcia 2010). However, the
history of Bullein’s Dialogue as a source of dialect material goes back to the
time of the EETS reprint: it was included in R. O. Heslop’s (1896) bibliographical
list of works illustrative of the dialect of Northumberland and Heslop used
it as a source for some of the entries in his Northumberland Words (1892–4).
Since Heslop’s glossary has, in its turn been widely cited as an authoritative
source for information on traditional Northumbrian dialects, the influence of
Bullein’s Dialogue has been considerable. In this paper, I discuss Bullein’s use of
Northumbrian dialect within the framework of indexicality and enregisterment
(Agha 2003). I argue that Bullein, who had had contact with speakers of
Northumbrian dialect whilst practising as a physician in Tynemouth, chose to
portray the character of Mendicus by referencing features that already indexed
Northern stereotypes due to their association with the Border Ballads. In doing
this, Bullein both drew on and contributed to the enregisterment of Northern,
and, more specifically, Northumbrian dialect as ‘outlandish'.