Chapter 6
“Why do you insist that Alana is not real?”
Visitors’ perceptions of the fictionality of Andi and Lance Olsen’s ‘there’s no place like time’
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: There’s no artist like Alana Olsen
- 2.Fictionality and empirical Research: There’s no reality like fiction
- 2.1The development of fiction/reality distinctions
- 2.2Factors effecting fiction/reality judgment and processing
- 2.3Summary of fictionality and empirical research
- 3.Modelling cognition in museums: There’s no methodology like cognitive stylistics
- 4.Exhibition style: There’s no place like time
- 5.Questionnaire response: There’s no data like qualitative answers
- 5.1Is Alana Olsen real enough to meet?
- 5.2Retrospective disbelief
- 5.3Belief in the auto/biographical retrospective and emotional response
- 5.4Personal relevance and reality creating fiction
- 6.Conclusion: There’s no felt experience like referentiality
- Data
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