Part of
Cross Currents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory
Edited by Thom Huebner and Charles A. Ferguson
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 2] 1991
► pp. 195224
Cited by (10)

Cited by ten other publications

Malovrh, Paul A. & Mandy R. Menke
2021. The role of late-acquired structures in advanced oral proficiency. In Advancedness in Second Language Spanish [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 31],  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen
2018. Concept-oriented analysis. In Critical Reflections on Data in Second Language Acquisition [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 51],  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Zyzik, Eve
2013. Functional Approaches to Second Language Spanish. In The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 30 ff. DOI logo
Dimroth, Christine
2012. Learner Varieties. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Kasper, Gabriele & Kenneth R. Rose
2002. Epilogue. Language Learning 52:s1  pp. 305 ff. DOI logo
Mansouri, Fethi
1995. The acquisition of subject-verb agreement in Arabic as a second language. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 18:2  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Mansouri, Fethi
1997. From emergence to acquisition. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 20:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Makoni, Sinfree B.
1994. The consequences of a Chomskyan perspective on rules in second language acquisition. South African Journal of Linguistics 12:3  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Dittmar, Norbert
1992. Grammaticalization in Second Language Acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 14:3  pp. 249 ff. DOI logo

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