Part of
Language Transfer in Language Learning: Revised edition
Edited by Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 5] 1992
► pp. 87100
Cited by (8)

Cited by eight other publications

蕭惠貞, 詹士微 & 魏吟玲
2024. 探究影響漢語雙及物構式語句產出之要素. Chinese as a Second Language Research 13:1  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Muñoz, Carmen, Teresa Cadierno & Isabel Casas
2018. Different Starting Points for English Language Learning: A Comparative Study of Danish and Spanish Young Learners. Language Learning 68:4  pp. 1076 ff. DOI logo
Thomas, Reed & Callie Mady
2015. Teaching for Transfer: Insights from theory and practices in primary-level French-second-language classrooms. McGill Journal of Education 49:2  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Lindgren, Eva & Carmen Muñoz
2013. The influence of exposure, parents, and linguistic distance on young European learners' foreign language comprehension. International Journal of Multilingualism 10:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Zyzik, Eve C.
2008. Null objects in second language acquisition: grammatical vs. performance models. Second Language Research 24:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Tao, Liang & Alice F. Healy
2005. Zero Anaphora: Transfer of Reference Tracking Strategies from Chinese to English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 34:2  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Schwartz, Bonnie D. & Lynn Eubank
1996. What is the 'L2 initial state'?. Second Language Research 12:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Hartford, Beverly S.
1995. Zero Anaphora in Nonnative Texts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo

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