In this chapter we review current work on the semantics-pragmatics interface in the adult language and present a description, from earlier work, of the distinct distribution and properties of two Spanish indefinite determiners: unos and algunos. We evaluate the degree to which current theories are able to accommodate these properties and then present the results of two experiments measuring monolingual child Spanish-speakers’ interpretations of them. The experiments show that children are adult-like in their ability to generate implicatures with algunos and cancel them in downward entailing contexts and that they are also aware that there is no implicature generated by unos, despite the similarity of the set interpretations associated with it and those associated with algunos. These findings demonstrate that children are able to surmount considerable learnability obstacles and that, at the age of 5, they have as much access to the logical interpretations of existential quantifiers as they do to their pragmatically-enriched, “some, but not all” interpretation.
Grinstead, John, Sadler Kirk, Amy Pratt & Ana Arrieta-Zamudio
2023. Predicting Scalar Implicature Interpretations From Lexical Knowledge. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 66:1 ► pp. 178 ff.
Grinstead, John, Pedro Ortiz-Ramírez, Ximena Carreto-Guadarrama, Ana Arrieta-Zamudio, Amy Pratt, Myriam Cantú-Sánchez, Jonathan Lefcheck & David Melamed
2023. Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling of the Quantity Implicature in Child Language. Language and Speech 66:1 ► pp. 35 ff.
2021. A Collective-Distributive Pragmatic Scale and the Developing Lexicon. Language Learning and Development 17:1 ► pp. 48 ff.
Miller, David & Jason Rothman
2020. You win some, you lose some: Comprehension and event-related potential evidence for L1 attrition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23:4 ► pp. 869 ff.
Miller, David, David Giancaspro, Michael Iverson, Jason Rothman & Roumyana Slabakova
2010. Varieties of Indefinites in Spanish. Language and Linguistics Compass 4:8 ► pp. 680 ff.
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