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Özçelik, Öner
2024. The Phonology of Turkish,
Barrios, Shannon L, Joselyn M Rodriguez & Taylor Anne Barriuso
2023. The acquisition of L2 allophonic variants: The role of phonological distribution and lexical cues. Second Language Research 39:3 ► pp. 899 ff.
Hayes-Harb, Rachel & Shannon Barrios
2021. The influence of orthography in second language phonological acquisition. Language Teaching 54:3 ► pp. 297 ff.
Erdener, Doğu
2020. Second Language Instruction. In Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ], ► pp. 105 ff.
Showalter, Catherine E.
2020. RUSSIAN PHONO-LEXICAL ACQUISITION AND ORTHOGRAPHIC INPUT. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42:2 ► pp. 255 ff.
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