Article published In:
Language, Context and Text
Vol. 2:1 (2020) ► pp.2258
References (97)
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Cited by three other publications

Bartlett, Tom & Wendy L. Bowcher
2021. Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Functions of Language 28:3  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Butt, David G., Alison Rotha Moore, Canzhong Wu & John Cartmill
2021. The pragmatism of drawing context networks. Functions of Language 28:3  pp. 260 ff. DOI logo
Neumann, Stella & Stefan Evert
2021. Chapter 6. A register variation perspective on varieties of English. In Corpus-based Approaches to Register Variation [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 103],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo

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