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writing development. We explore properties of SFL that have been significant in this institutional setting, asking: “What are the
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from the review (i.e. language as meaning-making resource, the cline of instantiation, ontogenesis or the process of learning how
to mean, the hierarchy of stratification and the spectrum of different metafunctional modes of meaning). From this basis, we
explicate how SFL-based pedagogies promote language learning and literacy practices in these educational domains. The article ends
by suggesting how further explorations can be undertaken to enhance understanding of the potential of this social semiotic
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Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M., Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma & Isaac N. Mwinlaaru
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2022. The L2 motivational self‐system: A meta‐analysis approach. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 32:2 ► pp. 274 ff.
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