Cross-cultural dialogue in the Polish-English translation of neologisms
The case of science-fiction prose by Stanisław Lem
The article discusses selected neologisms that Stanisław Lem, a Polish science-fiction writer, created for two of his
numerous short stories featuring Ijon Tichy, a space traveler. It is not only their surprising and appealing structure that makes these
creations and their English counterparts an interesting subject for analysis, but also, and more importantly, the fact that they carry
specific allusions, which renders them humorous in their contextual appearance. All these characteristics contribute to a translation
challenge present in the neologisms analyzed. The article focuses on how – and with what result – this challenge has been approached by the
translators who handled it in an endeavor to expand the dialogic space between the author and his audience.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Sources of examples
- 3.ST proper name neologisms and their characteristics
- 4.Mechanisms of creating ST proper name neologism
- 5.ST proper name neologisms in translation
- 6.Conclusions
- Notes
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