This paper addresses the problem of isolating light verb constructions (LVC) and classifying them according to semantic-syntactic parameters. LVC are firstly classified as a subtype of collocation. This step is important since it places the study of these constructions within a theoretical framework and defines the tests that are valid for their identification. Subsequently, on the basis of the reduction test (nominalization of the LVC and deletion of the verb), a boundary is traced between causative and non causative LVC on the one side and between base and extended LVC on the other side. Ultimately, a grid of semantic/aspectual criteria is proposed in order to distinguish different types of extended LVC. The application of this grid to Italian data allows a semantic classification of LVC based on a semantic decompositional analysis. This classification shows how it is possible to isolate different degrees in the function played by the verb in a LVC, according to its contribution to the semantic interpretation of the construction.
2020. Reciprocity in Czech Light Verb Constructions: The Dependency Perspective. Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 71:1 ► pp. 41 ff.
Rosén, Hannah
2020. Composite predicates in the layers of Latin. Journal of Latin Linguistics 19:2 ► pp. 231 ff.
Masini, Francesca
2019. Competition Between Morphological Words and Multiword Expressions. In Competition in Inflection and Word-Formation [Studies in Morphology, 5], ► pp. 281 ff.
Monti, Johanna & Maria Pia di Buono
2019. PARSEME-It: an Italian corpus annotated with verbal multiword expressions. Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics 5:2 ► pp. 61 ff.
[no author supplied]
2022. Конструкции с опорным глаголом в русском и итальянском языках / Support Verb Constructions. A Russian-Italian Contrastive Analysis [Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 49],
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