Languages in Contrast
Volume 21, Issue 1 (2021)
2021. iii, 161 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
On clitic placement and gradience of strength of FP in Western Ibero-RomanceLamar A. Graham | pp. 1–27
Parliamentary directives in New Zealand and Bosnia and Herzegovina: A contrastive studyOlja Baker | pp. 28–57
Coherence relations across speech and sign language: A comparable corpus study of additive connectivesLudivine Crible & Sílvia Gabarró-López | pp. 58–81
Temperaments, tempers, and temporality: Constructions reveal how speakers of French and English conceptualize human propertiesBert Cappelle, Vassil Mostrov & Fayssal Tayalati | pp. 82–111
The copular subschema [become/devenir + past participle] in English and French: Productivity and degrees of passivityNiek Van Wettere | pp. 112–137
Denominal verb formation in English and Modern GreekNikos Koutsoukos | pp. 138–161
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General