Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire / Syntax, Lexis & Lexicon-Grammar
Papers in honour of Maurice Gross
Maurice Gross, who died in December 2001, was a pioneer and leading thinker in the field of modern linguistics. Long before computers could facilitate large-scale, lexically-based language study, he and his team began building an exhaustive, empirically-based inventory of the "lexicon-grammar" of French which, thirty years later, still remains the most complete syntax-based lexicon available. Researchers all over the world have adopted the Gross model of description, which serves as a computational model for any language. As can be seen in the contributions in this volume, it has been applied to languages as different as Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek or Korean (as well as the major Romance languages, of course). In this volume the reader will also find a number of articles by eminent linguists who were close friends of Maurice Gross, and frequently in dialogue with him on linguistic issues. No matter whether they shared his theoretical views, or his particular empirical methods of description, they each had great respect for his work, especially for the close-grained linguistic analysis which has set a benchmark for future generations.
[Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa, 24] 2004. xxii, 659 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 12 April 2011
Published online on 12 April 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Foreword | pp. xi–xxii
Entretien avec Maurice GrossJean-Claude † Chevalier | pp. 1–10
Le Lexique-Grammaire du grec moderneAnna Anastassiadis-Syméonidis | pp. 11–22
Lexique-Grammaire et extensions lexicales: Note sur le semi-figementAntoinette Balibar-Mrabti | pp. 23–29
Instrument Nouns and Fusion: Predicative nouns designating violent actionsJorge Baptista | pp. 31–40
La constitution d’une concordance de verbes de l’ancien françaisHava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot | pp. 41–50
Les adjectifs dérivés de noms de parties du corps dans les textes médicauxAndrée Borillo | pp. 51–62
À propos des phrases transitives en arabe: Sur quelques critères de reconnaissance des objets directsMohamed Chad | pp. 63–77
Étude distributionnelle des constructions en ba en chinoisCheng Ting-Au | pp. 79–89
Principes d’analyse automatique des proverbesMirella Conenna | pp. 91–103
Sur la valeur de l’ « incise » et sa postposition: Signe mimique et « style indirect libre »Benoît de Cornulier | pp. 105–111
Dictionnaires électroniques DELAF anglais et françaisBlandine Courtois | pp. 113–123
Lexicon-Grammar, Electronic Dictionaries and Local Grammars of ItalianEmilio D’Agostino, Annibale Elia and Simonetta Vietri | pp. 125–136
Coréférence événementielle entre deux phrasesLaurence Danlos | pp. 137–153
Strings, Lists and Intonation in Garden Path Sentences: Can it, plan it, or planet?Ray C. Dougherty | pp. 155–174
Les relatifs de surfaceJean Dubois and Francoise Dubois-Charlier | pp. 175–183
Les attributs du complément d’objetAndré Dugas | pp. 185–193
Une étude de corpus pour éclairer la question du verbe de l’incise en FrançaisCédrick Fairon | pp. 195–210
Les prépositions forment-elles une classe?David Gaatone | pp. 211–221
Une construction tronquée du verbe faire: Jean fait le (brave + cachottier + repentant + enfant gâté)Jacqueline Giry-Schneider | pp. 223–229
Classes sémantiques et description des languesGaston Gross | pp. 231–238
Multi-Lexemic Expressions: an overviewFranz Guenthner and Xavier Blanco | pp. 239–252
Here and ThereRichard S. Kayne | pp. 253–273
Sur l’ordre des adjectifsFerenc Kiefer | pp. 275–285
Anaphores associatives: du large à l’étroitGeorges Kleiber | pp. 287–299
Tree pruningS.-Y. Kuroda | pp. 303–311
Lexiques-grammaires comparés: Quelques observations sur des différences syntaxiques en français de France et du QuébecJacques Labelle | pp. 313–324
Italian People at Work: Jobs in Lexical SyntaxNunzio La Fauci and Ignazio Mauro Mirto | pp. 325–341
La structure de la phrase en français de BelgiqueBéatrice Lamiroy and Jean Klein | pp. 343–371
Restructuration and the subject of adjectivesÉric Laporte | pp. 373–388
Synonymie de mots et synonymie de phrases: une approche formelleChristian Leclère and Jacqueline Brisbois | pp. 389–404
Les aventures de Max et Eve, j’ai aimé: À propos d’un C.O.D. “Canada Dry”Danielle Leeman | pp. 405–412
Nominalizations of English Neutral VerbsPeter A. Machonis | pp. 413–421
Remarks on the Complementation of Aspectual VerbsElisabete Ranchhod | pp. 423–438
À propos de [pc-z.]Claude Muller | pp. 439–453
Some Linguistic Problems in Building a Korean Electronic Lexicon of Simple VerbsJeesun Nam | pp. 455–469
Du locatif directionnel au datif dans les constructions du verbe arriverKozué Ogata | pp. 471–484
La conjonction même si n’existe pas!Mireille Piot | pp. 485–496
A Remark on English Double NegativesPaul M. Postal | pp. 497–508
Déverbatif et diathèse en malgacheRoger-Bruno Rabenilaina | pp. 509–516
Les travaux en Lexique-Grammaire du malgache et leurs extensionsLucie Raharinirina Rabaovololona and Baholisoa Simone Ralalaoherivony | pp. 517–526
Shall we hors d’œuvres? The Assimilation of Gallicisms into EnglishAntoinette Renouf | pp. 527–545
The Syntax of Emphasis — A Base CampHáj Ross | pp. 547–559
Verbs of Mental StatesMorris Salkoff | pp. 561–571
Diphtongues vocaliques et diphtongues consonantiquesSanford A. Schane | pp. 573–580
Time in Language — Language in Time: A Leibnizian PerspectiveHelmut Schnelle | pp. 581–588
Reconnaissance des déterminants françaisMax Silberztein | pp. 589–600
Essai d’interprétation fonctionnelle des tables du Lexique-GrammaireYoichiro Tsuruga | pp. 601–611
Some Elements for an Empirical Approach to the Study of MeaningJean-Roger Vergnaud and María Luisa Zubizarreta | pp. 613–627
Morphologie dérivationnelle et mots simples: Le cas du serbo-croateDuško Vitas | pp. 629–639
Une grille d’analyse pour les prédicats nominauxRobert Vivès | pp. 641–647
Publications de Maurice Gross: Bibliographie établie par Takuya Nakamura | pp. 649–659
Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Alharbi, Bader
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Terminology & Lexicography
Main BIC Subject
CFK: Grammar, syntax
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General