Aaj, Ali, Parviz Maftoon & Masood Siyyari
Do young EFL learners benefit from task repetition?.
The Language Learning Journal 52:6
► pp. 650 ff.

Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud
Unpacking the effects of different lengths of pre-task planning time: L2 writing outcomes and learners’ perceptions.
The Language Learning Journal 52:6
► pp. 615 ff.

Chen, Liping & Craig Lambert
Destruel, Emilie & Glenn Starr
Ghasemi, Afsaneh
Perceived Language Proficiency and Autonomous Motivation as Predictors to Perceived Communicative Competence in English .
Journal of Contemporary Language Research 3:3
► pp. 85 ff.

Hasnain, Shazia & Santoshi Halder
The effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on the speaking fluency and accuracy of adult ESL learners: a study on trainee teachers in West Bengal.
SN Social Sciences 4:10

Johnson, Mark D. & Mahmoud Abdi Tabari
Linguistic complexity in second language writing: Insight from studies on task planning.
Language Teaching ► pp. 1 ff.

Lu, Jinmiao, Qing Ma & Shaofeng Li
Effect of localized task‐based language teaching on Chinese secondary school English learners’ oral production in examination‐oriented contexts.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 
Mostafaei Alaei, Mahnaz & Abbas Mansouri
Unraveling the differential effects of task rehearsal and task repetition on L2 task performance: the mediating role of task modality.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 
Sadeghi, Karim & Azadeh Hamidi
The Effect of Different Planning Conditions versus Explicit Grammar Instruction on Young EFL Learners’ Oral Production of a Picture Promoted Task and Grammar Gain.
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19
► pp. 189 ff.

Tabari, Mahmoud Abdi & Seyyed Ehsan Golparvar
The interplay of task repetition and task rehearsal in L2 written production across varied proficiency levels.
Language Teaching Research 
Tabari, Mahmoud Abdi, Sima Khezrlou & Hessameddin Ghanbar
Task repetition versus task rehearsal: Understanding effects of task-readiness factors and elemental genres on L2 writing task performance.
Language Teaching Research 
Yang, Yingli & Wanyue Peng
Effects of different lengths of planning time on L2 writing performance and their relationships with writing self-efficacy.
Current Psychology 43:39
► pp. 30897 ff.

Crowther, Dustin & Daniel R. Isbell
Second language speech comprehensibility: A research agenda.
Language Teaching ► pp. 1 ff.

Gandrita, Daniel Mandel, Ana Gandrita, David Pascoal Rosado & Manuel do Carmo
Environmental Sustainability for Strategic Planning Effectiveness and Organizational Improvement.
Sustainability 15:8
► pp. 6774 ff.

Garcia-Ponce, Edgar Emmanuell, M. Martha Lengeling, Irasema Mora-Pablo & Lisa Marie Conaway Arroyo
Use of WhatsApp as a Platform to Promote English Oral Fluency and Accuracy: A Task Repetition Approach.
Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 28:1
► pp. 69 ff.

Heidari Darani, Laya, Mostafa Morady Moghaddam & Neil Murray
The Effect of Student-Led Small-Group Discussion as a Pre-writing Task on the Development of EFL Students’ Writing.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 32:5
► pp. 605 ff.

Kheirzadeh, Shiela & Maryam Malakootikhah
The Role of Content and Procedural Repetition in EFL Learners’ Reading Performance.
Journal of College Reading and Learning 53:2
► pp. 131 ff.

Kim, Nayoung
The effects of different task sequences on novice L2 learners’ oral performance in the classroom.
Language Teaching Research 27:2
► pp. 415 ff.

Nguyen, Huu Thanh Minh, Hang Le Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Mai Vo & Nguyen Khanh Huynh
The combined effects of task repetition and post-task teacher-corrected transcribing on complexity, accuracy and fluency of L2 oral performance.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 
Sun, Yanshu & Tong Wang
The effects of planning and task on Chinese high school students’ English language performance.
Journal of Language Teaching 3:8
► pp. 1 ff.

Wu, Jingwen & Rod Ellis
The effect of pre-task planning on computer-based second language writing.
Language Teaching Research 
Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud & Minyoung Cho
Task sequencing and L2 writing development: Exploring the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing.
Language Teaching Research 
Chappell, Whitney & Matthew Kanwit
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44:1
► pp. 185 ff.

Influence of planning time and task type on lexis in L2 oral performance.
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 11:3
► pp. 559 ff.

Jackson, Daniel O.
Task-Based Language Teaching,

Kim, Hyunwoo & Haerim Hwang
Assessing Verb‐Construction Integration in Young Learners of English as a Foreign Language: Analyses of Written and Spoken Production.
Language Learning 72:2
► pp. 497 ff.

Mohammad Javad Ahmadian & Michael H. Long
The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,

Ajabshir, Zahra Fakher & Fatemeh Poorebrahim
Assessing EFL learners’ written performance: The case of task repetition.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 39:3
► pp. 295 ff.

Gokool, Roshni & Marianna Visser
IsiZulu task-based syllabus for medical students: Grading and sequencing doctor-patient communication tasks.
South African Journal of African Languages 41:2
► pp. 149 ff.

Abrams, Zsuzsanna I.
Intercultural Communication and Language Pedagogy,

Effects of Written Versus Spoken Production Modalities on Syntactic Complexity Measures in Beginning‐Level Child EFL Learners.
The Modern Language Journal 104:1
► pp. 267 ff.

Jamalifar, Golnaz & Hadi Salehi
The effects of rehearsal and strategic task planning on L2 Willingness to Communicate.
The Language Learning Journal 48:2
► pp. 162 ff.

Khezrlou, Sima
Training planning in second language narrative writing.
ELT Journal 74:1
► pp. 49 ff.

Sun, Peijian Paul
L2 Learning and Speaking: A Literature Review. In
Chinese as a Second Language Multilinguals’ Speech Competence and Speech Performance,
► pp. 45 ff.

Sánchez, Alberto J., Rosa M. Manchón & Roger Gilabert
D’Ely, Raquel, Mailce Borges Mota & Martin Bygate
Ellis, Rod
The Effects of Pre-Task Planning on Second Language Writing: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 44:2
► pp. 131 ff.

Hsu, Hsiu-Chen
The combined effect of task repetition and post-task transcribing on L2 speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency.
The Language Learning Journal 47:2
► pp. 172 ff.

Khoram, Alireza & Zuochen Zhang
The impact of task type and pre-task planning condition on the accuracy of intermediate EFL learners’ oral performance.
Cogent Education 6:1

Leal, Tania, Emilie Destruel & Bradley Hoot
The acquisition of Focus in L2 Spanish.
Second Language Research 35:4
► pp. 449 ff.

O’Grady, Stefan
The impact of pre-task planning on speaking test performance for English-medium university admission.
Language Testing 36:4
► pp. 505 ff.

Shabani, Karim & Somayeh Hosseinzadeh
A comparative study of the effects of teacher-initiated planned preemptive and reactive focus on form on L2 learners’ accuracy in narrative writing.
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 13:1
► pp. 76 ff.

Wang, Zhan, Peter Skehan & Gaowei Chen
The effects of hybrid online planning and L2 proficiency on video-based speaking task performance.
Instructed Second Language Acquisition 3:1
► pp. 53 ff.

Bui, Gavin & Zeping Huang
L2 fluency as influenced by content familiarity and planning: Performance, measurement, and pedagogy.
Language Teaching Research 22:1
► pp. 94 ff.

Bui, Gavin, Peter Skehan & Zhan Wang
Task Condition Effects on Advanced‐Level Foreign Language Performance. In
The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition,
► pp. 219 ff.

Eskildsen, Søren W. & Numa Markee
Low, Grace
Interactive Activities for Promoting Speaking. In
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching,
► pp. 1 ff.

Sadeghi, Karim & Farah Ghaderi
Pre-task planning and explicit instruction: Effects on CALF in an oral jigsaw task and gains in linguistic knowledge.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 36:4
► pp. 365 ff.

Sheppard, Chris & Rod Ellis
Yang, Liuyan
Effects of three tasks on interpreting fluency.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:4
► pp. 423 ff.

Zhang, Jianhua
The Effect of Strategic Planning Training on Cohesion in EFL Learners’ Essays.
Reading & Writing Quarterly 34:6
► pp. 554 ff.

Abrams, Zsuzsanna & David R. Byrd
The effects of meaning-focused pre-tasks on beginning-level L2 writing in German: An exploratory study.
Language Teaching Research 21:4
► pp. 434 ff.

Abrams, Zsuzsanna & Susanne Rott
Variability and variation of L2 grammar: A cross-sectional analysis of German learners’ performance on two tasks.
Language Teaching Research 21:2
► pp. 144 ff.

Amiryousefi, Mohammad
The differential effects of collaborative vs. individual prewriting planning on computer-mediated L2 writing: transferability of task-based linguistic skills in focus.
Computer Assisted Language Learning 30:8
► pp. 766 ff.

Baleghizadeh, Sasan & Mohammad Naseh Nasrollahi Shahri
The effect of online planning, strategic planning and rehearsal across two proficiency levels.
The Language Learning Journal 45:2
► pp. 171 ff.

Dao, Phung, Noriko Iwashita & Elizabeth Gatbonton
Learner attention to form in ACCESS task-based interaction.
Language Teaching Research 21:4
► pp. 454 ff.

Grant, Sean
Implementing project-based language teaching in an Asian context: a university EAP writing course case study from Macau.
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 2:1

Lambert, Craig, Judit Kormos & Danny Minn
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 39:1
► pp. 167 ff.

Lee, Josephine & Alfred Rue Burch
Collaborative Planning in Process: An Ethnomethodological Perspective.
TESOL Quarterly 51:3
► pp. 536 ff.

Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo & María Ángeles Hidalgo
Vasylets, Olena, Roger Gilabert & Rosa M. Manchón
The Effects of Mode and Task Complexity on Second Language Production.
Language Learning 67:2
► pp. 394 ff.

Fukuta, Junya
Effects of task repetition on learners’ attention orientation in L2 oral production.
Language Teaching Research 20:3
► pp. 321 ff.

Toth, Paul D. & Kristin J. Davin
The Sociocognitive Imperative of L2 Pedagogy.
The Modern Language Journal 100:S1
► pp. 148 ff.

Javad Ahmadian, Mohammad, Mansoor Tavakoli & Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
The combined effects of online planning and task structure on complexity, accuracy and fluency of L2 speech.
The Language Learning Journal 43:1
► pp. 41 ff.

Tsushima, Rika & Martin Guardado
Processing Perspectives on Task Performance.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 71:4
► pp. 504 ff.

Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad & Mansoor Tavakoli
Investigating What Second Language Learners Do and Monitor under Careful Online Planning Conditions.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 70:1
► pp. 50 ff.

Mohammad Javad Ahmadian & Mansoor Tavakoli
The effects of simultaneous use of careful online planning and task repetition on accuracy, complexity, and fluency in EFL learners’ oral production.
Language Teaching Research 15:1
► pp. 35 ff.

Boers, Frank
A Reappraisal of the 4/3/2 Activity.
RELC Journal 45:3
► pp. 221 ff.

Burch, Alfred R.
Pursuing Information: A Conversation Analytic Perspective on Communication Strategies.
Language Learning 64:3
► pp. 651 ff.

Moradi, Zahra & Seyed Hassan Talebi
The Effect of Pre-speaking Strategies Instruction in Strategic Planning on Iranian EFL Students’ Awareness as well as Students’ Fluency and Lexical Resources in Speaking.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 98
► pp. 1224 ff.

Pang, Francine & Peter Skehan
Saeedi, Masoud & Shirin Rahimi Kazerooni
The influence of task repetition and task structure on EFL learners' oral narrative retellings.
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 8:2
► pp. 116 ff.

Skehan, Peter
Tasks Versus Conditions: Two Perspectives on Task Research and Their Implications for Pedagogy.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36
► pp. 34 ff.

Skehan, Peter
The Psycholinguistics of Task-Based Performance. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,
► pp. 3 ff.

Skehan, Peter & Sabrina Shum
Guará-Tavares, Maria da Glória
Working memory capacity and L2 speech performance in planned and spontaneous conditions: a correlational analysis.
Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 52:1
► pp. 09 ff.

Haghverdi, Hamid Reza, Reza Biria & Hamid Reza Khalaji
The Impact of Task-planning and Gender on the Accuracy of Narrations Composed by Iranian EFL Learners.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research 4:1

Lord, Gillian & Maria I. Fionda
Teaching Pronunciation in Second Language Spanish. In
The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition,
► pp. 514 ff.

Markee, Numa & Silvia Kunitz
Doing Planning and Task Performance in Second Language Acquisition: An Ethnomethodological Respecification.
Language Learning 63:4
► pp. 629 ff.

Erlam, Rosemary
Ellis, Rod. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Marzban, Amir & Majid Norouzi
Strategic Planning Focus and Time in Narrative Writing.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46
► pp. 4953 ff.

Mohammadzadeh MohammadAbadi, AliReza, Azizollah Dabaghi & Mansoor Tavakoli
The effects of simultaneous use of pre-planning along +/-Here-and-Now dimension on fluency, complexity, and accuracy of Iranian EFL learners’ written performance.
International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning 2:3

Skehan, Peter, Bei Xiaoyue, Li Qian & Zhan Wang
The task is not enough: Processing approaches to task-based performance.
Language Teaching Research 16:2
► pp. 170 ff.

Ahmad, Ayaz & Palwasha Sajjad
Role of local constraints in the failure of Western approaches to ELT.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 15
► pp. 1766 ff.

Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad
The effect of ‘massed’ task repetitions on complexity, accuracy and fluency: does it transfer to a new task?.
The Language Learning Journal 39:3
► pp. 269 ff.

Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad
The effects of guided careful online planning on complexity, accuracy and fluency in intermediate EFL learners’ oral production: The case of English articles.
Language Teaching Research 16:1
► pp. 129 ff.

Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad
The Relationship Between Working Memory Capacity and L2 Oral Performance Under Task‐Based Careful Online Planning Condition.
TESOL Quarterly 46:1
► pp. 165 ff.

Romanova, Natalia
Planning, Recasts, and Learning of L2 Morphology.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 66:6
► pp. 843 ff.

Sauro, Shannon & Bryan Smith
Investigating L2 Performance in Text Chat.
Applied Linguistics 31:4
► pp. 554 ff.

Mochizuki, Naoko & Lourdes Ortega
Balancing communication and grammar in beginning-level foreign language classrooms: A study of guided planning and relativization.
Language Teaching Research 12:1
► pp. 11 ff.

Manchón, Rosa M. & Julio Roca de Larios
On the Temporal Nature of Planning in L1 and L2 Composing.
Language Learning 57:4
► pp. 549 ff.

Tuan, Truong Anh & Storch Neomy
Investigating Group Planning in Preparation for Oral Presentations in an EFL Class in Vietnam.
RELC Journal 38:1
► pp. 104 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.