Cited by (103)

Cited by 103 other publications

Aaj, Ali, Parviz Maftoon & Masood Siyyari
2024. Do young EFL learners benefit from task repetition?. The Language Learning Journal 52:6  pp. 650 ff. DOI logo
Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud, Phil Hiver & Reza Norouzian
2024. Interactions between task complexity, task repetition, and task motivation in L2 writing. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud, Sima Khezrlou & Yu Tian
2024. Verb argument construction complexity indices and L2 written production: effects of task complexity and task repetition. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 18:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Tabari, Mahmoud Abdi, Sima Khezrlou & Yu Tian
2024. Task complexity, task repetition, and L2 writing complexity: exploring interactions in the TBLT domain. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 62:2  pp. 871 ff. DOI logo
Bryfonski, Lara, Yunjung (Yunie) Ku & Alison Mackey
2024. Research methods for IDs and TBLT: A substantive and methodological review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46:3  pp. 617 ff. DOI logo
Gu, Qianqian & Kris Van den Branden
2024. The effects of two methods of on-line planning on L2 task-based speaking performance and strategy use. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Hunter, Ann‐Marie
2024. The Poster Carousel in theESLClassroom: What Happens to Learners'L2Fluency During Same and Parallel‐Task Repetition?. TESOL Quarterly 58:1  pp. 479 ff. DOI logo
Kopczynski, Karolina & Cynthia Silvia
2024. Challenges of Teaching Foreign Languages in an Asynchronous Setting. Creative Education 15:07  pp. 1311 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Jie
2024. Meaning-oriented understanding of L2 academic writing development with task-type repetition. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1 DOI logo
Mostafaei Alaei, Mahnaz & Abbas Mansouri
2024. Unraveling the differential effects of task rehearsal and task repetition on L2 task performance: the mediating role of task modality. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching DOI logo
Nushi, Musa & Peyman Jahanbin
2024. The Effect of Audio-Assisted Reading on Incidental Learning of Present Perfect by EFL Learners. Open Education Studies 6:1 DOI logo
Róg, Tomasz & Marek Krawiec
2024. Task repetition and L2 grit. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning 4:2  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Tran, Mai Ngoc & Kazuya Saito
2024. Effects of the 4/3/2 activity revisited: Extending Boers (2014) and Thai & Boers (2016). Language Teaching Research 28:2  pp. 326 ff. DOI logo
Yenkimaleki, Mahmood & Vincent J. van Heuven
2024. The effect of fluency training on interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics DOI logo
Abrams, Zsuzsanna
Calzada, Asier & María del Pilar García Mayo
2023. Do task repetition and pretask focus on form instruction impact collaborative writing performance?. In L2 Collaborative Writing in Diverse Learning Contexts [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 59],  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Duong, Phuong-Thao, Maribel Montero Perez, Long-Quoc Nguyen, Piet Desmet & Elke Peters
2023. The impact of input, input repetition, and task repetition on L2 lexical use and fluency in speaking. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 13:1  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Fukunaga, Tatsushi
2023. L2 writing development through two types of writing task repetition. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:3  pp. 1109 ff. DOI logo
Garcia-Ponce, Edgar Emmanuell, M. Martha Lengeling, Irasema Mora-Pablo & Lisa Marie Conaway Arroyo
2023. Use of WhatsApp as a Platform to Promote English Oral Fluency and Accuracy: A Task Repetition Approach. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 28:1  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Gesa, Ferran & Imma Miralpeix
2023. Extensive viewing as additional input for foreign language vocabulary learning: A longitudinal study in secondary school. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Gesa, Ferran & Imma Miralpeix
2024. Extensive viewing and L2 vocabulary learning. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 175:2  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
Hassanzadeh-Taleshi, Mobin, Baqer Yaqubi & Hossein Bozorgian
2023. The effects of combining task repetition with immediate post-task transcribing on L2 learners’ oral narratives. The Language Learning Journal 51:2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Kheirzadeh, Shiela & Maryam Malakootikhah
2023. The Role of Content and Procedural Repetition in EFL Learners’ Reading Performance. Journal of College Reading and Learning 53:2  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Meng-Ying Daphne
2023. The Effects of Mediation Tools on Online Collaborative and Individual Writing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 32:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Ngoc Thanh, Trinh
2023. Speech Rate and Speaking Performance in Picture-Description Speaking Task. In Competence-Based Curriculum and E-Learning in Higher Education [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Huu Thanh Minh, Hang Le Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Mai Vo & Nguyen Khanh Huynh
2023. The combined effects of task repetition and post-task teacher-corrected transcribing on complexity, accuracy and fluency of L2 oral performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching DOI logo
Rogers, John
2023. Spacing Effects in Task Repetition Research. Language Learning 73:2  pp. 445 ff. DOI logo
Santos, Sara
2023. Efeitos da repetição procedimental e da complexidade cognitiva da tarefa no desempenho oral em português língua estrangeira: estudo exploratório . Diacrítica 36:2  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott
2022. The relationship between anxiety, enjoyment, and breakdown fluency during second language speaking tasks: An idiodynamic investigation. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott & Andrew Philpott
2022. Use of the L1 and L2 in strategic planning and rehearsal for task performances in an online classroom. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Kobayashi, Manami
2022. The distributed practice effects of speaking task repetition. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 32:1  pp. 142 ff. DOI logo
Papin, Kevin
2022. L’impact de tâches communicatives de réalité virtuelle sur la volonté de communiquer à l’extérieur de la classe : perceptions d’apprenants de FLS à Montréal. The Canadian Modern Language Review 78:1  pp. 52 ff. DOI logo
Roothooft, Hanne, Amparo Lázaro-Ibarrola & Bram Bulté
2022. Task repetition and corrective feedback via models and direct corrections among young EFL writers: Draft quality and task motivation. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Ajabshir, Zahra Fakher & Fatemeh Poorebrahim
2021. Assessing EFL learners’ written performance: The case of task repetition. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 39:3  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Rashed Alhamad
2021. Online task planning and L2 oral fluency:does manipulating time pressure affect fluency in L2 monologic oral narratives?. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 59:4  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Rashed Alhamad
2021. Online task planning and L2 oral fluency:does manipulating time pressure affect fluency in L2 monologic oral narratives?. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 59:4  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Barrios, Elvira & Irene Acosta-Manzano
2021. Factors predicting classroom WTC in English and French as foreign languages among adult learners in Spain. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Conti, Sergio
2021. Italian learners’ use of Chinese sentence-final particles. Instructed Second Language Acquisition 5:2 DOI logo
Mukhopadhyay, Lina & N. P. Sudharshana
2021. Task-Based Language Assessment for Large-Scale and Classroom-Based Oral and Print Assessments. In Task-Based Language Teaching and Assessment,  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Stroud, Robert
2021. The effects of strategic planning and rehearsal on second language group discussion task performance. The Language Learning Journal 49:5  pp. 499 ff. DOI logo
Azkarai, Agurtzane, María del Pilar García Mayo & Rhonda Oliver
2020. The effect of task repetition on the patterns of interaction of ESL children. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171:1  pp. 90 ff. DOI logo
Khezrlou, Sima
Khezrlou, Sima
2021. Explicit instruction through task repetition: effects on explicit and implicit knowledge development. Language Awareness 30:1  pp. 62 ff. DOI logo
Khezrlou, Sima
2021. Effects of timing and availability of isolated FFI on learners’ written accuracy and fluency through task repetition. The Language Learning Journal 49:5  pp. 568 ff. DOI logo
Khezrlou, Sima
2023. Focus on form in task repetition through oral and written task modeling. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:2  pp. 479 ff. DOI logo
Khezrlou, Sima
Khezrlou, Sima
2024. Effects of task repetition with consciousness-raising in wiki-mediated collaborative writing on the development of explicit and implicit knowledge. Computer Assisted Language Learning 37:1-2  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Malicka, Aleksandra
2020. The role of task sequencing in fluency, accuracy, and complexity: Investigating the SSARC model of pedagogic task sequencing. Language Teaching Research 24:5  pp. 642 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Bao Trang Thi & Jonathan Newton
2020. Learner proficiency and EFL learning through task rehearsal and performance. Language Teaching Research 24:5  pp. 588 ff. DOI logo
Sánchez, Alberto J., Rosa M. Manchón & Roger Gilabert
Azkarai, Agurtzane & Rhonda Oliver
2019. Negative feedback on task repetition: ESL vs. EFL child settings. The Language Learning Journal 47:3  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Bahari, Akbar
2019. The impact of applying the FonF practice model on developing L2 listening and speaking with a focus on intentional and incidental vocabulary acquisition in CALL context. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 14:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Dawadi, Saraswati
2019. Effects of task repetition on EFL oral performance. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 170:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
D’Ely, Raquel, Mailce Borges Mota & Martin Bygate
2019. Strategic planning and repetition as metacognitive processes in task performance. In Researching L2 Task Performance and Pedagogy [Task-Based Language Teaching, 13],  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Hsu, Hsiu-Chen
2019. The combined effect of task repetition and post-task transcribing on L2 speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The Language Learning Journal 47:2  pp. 172 ff. DOI logo
Manchón, Rosa M. & Olena Vasylets
2019. Language Learning Through Writing: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 341 ff. DOI logo
Newton, Jonathan & Bao Trang Thi Nguyen
2019. Task repetition and the public performance of speaking tasks in EFL classes at a Vietnamese high school. Language Teaching for Young Learners 1:1  pp. 34 ff. DOI logo
de Jong, Nel & Philip Tillman
2018. Grammatical structures and oral fluency in immediate task repetition. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
DeKeyser, Robert M.
2018. Task repetition for language learning. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin, Scott A. Crossley, YeonJoo Jung, Kristopher Kyle & Sanghee Kang
2018. The effects of task repetition and task complexity on L2 lexicon use. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Kobayashi, Emi & Masaki Kobayashi
2018. Second language learning through repeated engagement in a poster presentation task. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Larsen-Freeman, Diane
2018. Task repetition or task iteration?. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 311 ff. DOI logo
Lynch, Tony
2018. Perform, reflect, recycle. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Payant, Caroline & Derek Reagan
2018. Manipulating task implementation variables with incipient Spanish language learners: A classroom-based study. Language Teaching Research 22:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Zhan & Gaowei Chen
2018. Discourse performance in L2 task repetition. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Abrams, Zsuzsanna & David R. Byrd
2017. The effects of meaning-focused pre-tasks on beginning-level L2 writing in German: An exploratory study. Language Teaching Research 21:4  pp. 434 ff. DOI logo
Ahmadi, Hossein & Farid Ghaemi
2017. Effects of Task Repetition and EFL Proficiency on English Speech Act Production. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Baleghizadeh, Sasan & Mohammad Naseh Nasrollahi Shahri
2017. The effect of online planning, strategic planning and rehearsal across two proficiency levels. The Language Learning Journal 45:2  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Grant, Sean
2017. Implementing project-based language teaching in an Asian context: a university EAP writing course case study from Macau. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 2:1 DOI logo
Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo & María Ángeles Hidalgo
2017. Procedural repetition in task-based interaction among young EFL learners. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 168:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Hossein Ahmadi, Farid Ghaemi & Parviz Birjandi
2016. The Effect of Output-based Task Repetition on EFL Learners’ Speech Act Production . Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics 19:2  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Amiryousefi, Mohammad
2016. The differential effects of two types of task repetition on the complexity, accuracy, and fluency in computer-mediated L2 written production: a focus on computer anxiety. Computer Assisted Language Learning 29:5  pp. 1052 ff. DOI logo
Bygate, Martin
2016. Sources, developments and directions of task-based language teaching. The Language Learning Journal 44:4  pp. 381 ff. DOI logo
Bygate, Martin
2018. Introduction. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bygate, Martin
2020. Some directions for the possible survival of TBLT as a real world project. Language Teaching 53:3  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
Fukuta, Junya
2016. Effects of task repetition on learners’ attention orientation in L2 oral production. Language Teaching Research 20:3  pp. 321 ff. DOI logo
Goh, Christine C. M.
2016. Teaching Speaking. In English Language Teaching Today [English Language Education, 5],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Goh, Christine C. M.
2017. Research into practice: Scaffolding learning processes to improve speaking performance. Language Teaching 50:2  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Thai, Chau & Frank Boers
2016. Repeating a Monologue Under Increasing Time Pressure: Effects on Fluency, Complexity, and Accuracy. TESOL Quarterly 50:2  pp. 369 ff. DOI logo
Loranc-Paszylk, Barbara
2015. Videoconferencing as a Tool for Developing Speaking Skills. In Issues in Teaching, Learning and Testing Speaking in a Second Language [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Adams, Rebecca, Sara Amani, Jonathan Newton & Nik Aloesnita Nik Mohd Alwi
2014. Planning and production in computer-mediated communication (CMC) writing. In Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing [Task-Based Language Teaching, 7],  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Byrnes, Heidi & Rosa M. Manchón
2014. Task, task performance, and writing development. In Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing [Task-Based Language Teaching, 7],  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
Gavin, Bui Hiu Yuet
2014. Chapter 3. Task readiness. In Processing Perspectives on Task Performance [Task-Based Language Teaching, 5],  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
Kormos, Judit
2014. Differences across modalities of performance. In Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing [Task-Based Language Teaching, 7],  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Saeedi, Masoud & Shirin Rahimi Kazerooni
2014. The influence of task repetition and task structure on EFL learners' oral narrative retellings. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 8:2  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Shintani, Natsuko & Rod Ellis
2014. Tracking ‘learning behaviours’ in the incidental acquisition of two dimensional adjectives by Japanese beginner learners of L2 English. Language Teaching Research 18:4  pp. 521 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Zhan
2014. Chapter 2. On-line time pressure manipulations. In Processing Perspectives on Task Performance [Task-Based Language Teaching, 5],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Markee, Numa & Silvia Kunitz
2013. Doing Planning and Task Performance in Second Language Acquisition: An Ethnomethodological Respecification. Language Learning 63:4  pp. 629 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Xiaoli, Joost Lowyck, Lies Sercu & Jan Elen
2013. Vocabulary learning from reading: examining interactions between task and learner related variables. European Journal of Psychology of Education 28:2  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
Baba, Kyoko & Ryo Nitta
2012. Dynamic Effects of Repeating a Timed Writing Task in Two EFL University Courses. In Applied Natural Language Processing,  pp. 398 ff. DOI logo
Salimi, Asghar & Soghra Dadashpour
2012. Task Complexity and SL Development: Does Task Complexity Matter?. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46  pp. 726 ff. DOI logo
Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad
2011. The effect of ‘massed’ task repetitions on complexity, accuracy and fluency: does it transfer to a new task?. The Language Learning Journal 39:3  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
de Jong, Nel & Charles A. Perfetti
2011. Fluency Training in the ESL Classroom: An Experimental Study of Fluency Development and Proceduralization. Language Learning 61:2  pp. 533 ff. DOI logo
Mohammad Javad Ahmadian & Mansoor Tavakoli
2011. The effects of simultaneous use of careful online planning and task repetition on accuracy, complexity, and fluency in EFL learners’ oral production. Language Teaching Research 15:1  pp. 35 ff. DOI logo
2011. Task Complexity, Focus on L2 Constructions, and Individual Differences: A Classroom‐Based Study. The Modern Language Journal 95:s1  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Romanova, Natalia
2010. Planning, Recasts, and Learning of L2 Morphology. The Canadian Modern Language Review 66:6  pp. 843 ff. DOI logo
Wigglesworth, Gillian & Cathie Elder
2010. An Investigation of the Effectiveness and Validity of Planning Time in Speaking Test Tasks. Language Assessment Quarterly 7:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2007. Task Familiarity and Interactional Feedback in Child ESL Classrooms. TESOL Quarterly 41:2  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Manchón, Rosa M. & Julio Roca de Larios
2007. On the Temporal Nature of Planning in L1 and L2 Composing. Language Learning 57:4  pp. 549 ff. DOI logo
Pinter, Annamaria
2007. Some benefits of peer–peer interaction: 10-year-old children practising with a communication task. Language Teaching Research 11:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Pinter, Annamaria
2019. Agency and technology-mediated task repetition with young learners. Language Teaching for Young Learners 1:2  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Byrnes, Heidi, Cori Crane, Hiram H. Maxim & Katherine A. Sprang
2006. Taking Text to Task. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 152  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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