Part of
Synthesizing Research on Language Learning and Teaching
Edited by John M. Norris and Lourdes Ortega
[Language Learning & Language Teaching 13] 2006
► pp. 91131
Cited by (111)

Cited by 111 other publications

Bryfonski, Lara
2024. From task-based training to task-based instruction: Novice language teachers’ experiences and perspectives. Language Teaching Research 28:3  pp. 1255 ff. DOI logo
Bryfonski, Lara, Yunjung (Yunie) Ku & Alison Mackey
2024. Research methods for IDs and TBLT: A substantive and methodological review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46:3  pp. 617 ff. DOI logo
Dao, Phung, Noriko Iwashita, Mai Xuan Nhat Chi Nguyen & Carolina Arias-Contreras
2024. Teachers’ and learners’ beliefs about task-based language teaching. In Individual Differences and Task-Based Language Teaching [Task-Based Language Teaching, 16],  pp. 228 ff. DOI logo
Tseng, Wen-Ta, Yeu-Ting Liu, Yi-Ting Hsu & Hsi-Chin Chu
2024. Revisiting the effectiveness of study abroad language programs: A multi-level meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research 28:1  pp. 156 ff. DOI logo
Santiago-Garabieta, Maite, Rocío García-Carrión, Harkaitz Zubiri-Esnaola & Garazi López de Aguileta
2023. Inclusion of L2 (Basque) learners in Dialogic Literary Gatherings in a linguistically diverse context. Language Teaching Research 27:6  pp. 1532 ff. DOI logo
Santiago-Garabieta, Maite, Harkaitz Zubiri-Esnaola, Rocío García-Carrión & Regina Gairal-Casadó
2023. Inclusivity, friendship and language learning: boosting collaboration in interactive groups. Educational Research 65:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Torres, Julio
2023. Heritage language learners’ written texts across pair types and interaction mode. Language Teaching Research 27:1  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Villavicencio Reinoso , Jorge
2023. A Systematic Literature Review: Direct and Indirect Feedback Strategies in EFL Contexts. rEFLections 30:3  pp. 866 ff. DOI logo
Young, Anthony & Jeong-Bae Son
2023. Synchronous computer-mediated communication and task-based learning in the EFL classroom. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Avgousti, Maria Iosifina & Stella K. Hadjistassou
2022. Exploring the (Un‐)explored in Applied Linguistics. In Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning,  pp. 288 ff. DOI logo
Azkarai, Agurtzane, Rhonda Oliver & Yohana Gil‐Berrio
2022. Examining Deductive Versus Guided Instruction From an Interactionist Perspective. Language Learning 72:S1  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
Guchte, Marrit van de, Eline van Batenburg & Daphne van Weijen
2022. Enhancing target language output through synchronous online learner-learner interaction. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning 2:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Jackson, Daniel O.
2022. Task-Based Language Teaching, DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn, Maria Buttiler, Matt Kessler & Daniel Trego
2022. Conversation and transcription activities with synchronous video computer-mediated communication: A classroom investigation. System 106  pp. 102760 ff. DOI logo
Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo & Raúl Azpilicueta-Martinez
2022. Negotiation of meaning in child-child vs. adult-adult interactions: Evidence from low proficiency EFL learners. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 463 ff. DOI logo
Vandommele, Goedele, Koen Van Gorp, Kris Van den Branden & Sven De Maeyer
2022. Assessing the Development of L2 Speaking Skills in Inside-School and Outside-School Settings Through Growth Modelling. Applied Linguistics 43:6  pp. 1094 ff. DOI logo
Vorobel, Oksana
2022. A systematic review of research on distance language teaching (2011–2020): Focus on methodology. System 105  pp. 102753 ff. DOI logo
Williams, Thomas A.
2022. A feladatközpontú nyelvtanítás (TBLT) elmélete és gyakorlata. Magyar Pedagógia 122:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Mohammad Javad Ahmadian & Michael H. Long
2021. The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching, DOI logo
Behney, Jennifer & Susan Gass
2021. Interaction, DOI logo
Bygate, Martin, Virginia Samuda & Kris Van den Branden
2021. A Pedagogical Rationale for Task-Based Language Teaching for the Acquisition of Real-World Language Use. In The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Fang, Wei-Chieh, Hui-Chin Yeh, Bo-Ru Luo & Nian-Shing Chen
2021. Effects of mobile-supported task-based language teaching on EFL students’ linguistic achievement and conversational interaction. ReCALL 33:1  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Henderson, Carly
2021. The effect of feedback timing on L2 Spanish vocabulary acquisition in synchronous computer-mediated communication. Language Teaching Research 25:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
M. Norris, John & John McE. Davis
2021. Evaluating Task-Based Language Programs. In The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Moranski, Kara & Nicole Ziegler
2021. A Case for Multisite Second Language Acquisition Research: Challenges, Risks, and Rewards. Language Learning 71:1  pp. 204 ff. DOI logo
Nagasaki, Mutsuko, Kristin Armitage & Sunao Orimoto
2021. The Benefits of Interactive and Individual Rehearsals for Developing Second Language Communicative Ability. RELC Journal 52:3  pp. 474 ff. DOI logo
Kao, Chian-Wen
2020. The effect of a digital game-based learning task on the acquisition of the English Article System. System 95  pp. 102373 ff. DOI logo
Mackey, Alison
2020. Interaction, Feedback and Task Research in Second Language Learning, DOI logo
Rahimi, Soheil, Moussa Ahmadian, Majid Amerian & Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi
2020. Comparing Accuracy and Durability Effects of Jigsaw Versus Input Flood Tasks on the Recognition of Regular Past Tense /-ed/. Sage Open 10:2 DOI logo
Riestenberg, Katherine J.
2020. Meaningful interaction and affordances for language learning at a Zapotec revitalisation programme. The Language Learning Journal 48:3  pp. 316 ff. DOI logo
van Batenburg, Eline, Ron Oostdam, Amos van Gelderen, Ruben Fukkink & Nivja de Jong
2020. The effects of instructional focus and task type on pre-vocational learners’ ability in EFL oral interaction. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171:2  pp. 153 ff. DOI logo
Bryfonski, Lara & Todd H. McKay
2019. TBLT implementation and evaluation: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research 23:5  pp. 603 ff. DOI logo
Mayo, María del Pilar García
2019. Pedagogical approaches and the role of the teacher. Language Teaching Research 23:5  pp. 537 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Shenglan
2019. Learners’ perceptions of a Wiki-enhanced TBLT approach designed and implemented at the syllabus level. Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報). The journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA 54:3  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole & Huy Phung
2019. Technology-mediated task-based interaction. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 170:2  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Abbuhl, Rebekha, Nicole Ziegler, Alison Mackey & Luke Amoroso
2018. Interaction and Learning Grammar. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Avgousti, Maria Iosifina
2018. Intercultural communicative competence and online exchanges: a systematic review. Computer Assisted Language Learning 31:8  pp. 819 ff. DOI logo
Bryfonski, Lara & Cristina Sanz
2018. Opportunities for Corrective Feedback During Study Abroad: A Mixed Methods Approach. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 38  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cole, Mikel
2018. Effectiveness of peer-mediated learning for English language learners: A meta-analysis. Research Ideas and Outcomes 4 DOI logo
de Vos, Johanna F., Herbert Schriefers, Michel G. Nivard & Kristin Lemhöfer
2018. A Meta‐Analysis and Meta‐Regression of Incidental Second Language Word Learning from Spoken Input. Language Learning 68:4  pp. 906 ff. DOI logo
Kraut, Joshua
2018. The role of ‘roles’ in task-design. In Usage-inspired L2 Instruction [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 49],  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Masatoshi Sato
2018. Interaction and instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching 51:3  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Masatoshi Sato
2021. Exploring the relationship between TBLT and ISLA. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning 1:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Vandommele, Goedele, Kris Van den Branden & Koen Van Gorp
2018. Task-based language teaching. In TBLT as a Researched Pedagogy [Task-Based Language Teaching, 12],  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole & Lara Bryfonski
2018. Interaction‐Driven L2 Learning. In The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
García Mayo, María del Pilar & María Basterrechea
2017. CLIL and SLA. In Applied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 47],  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura & Luke Plonsky
2017. Look who’s interacting. In Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 16],  pp. 305 ff. DOI logo
Jackson, Daniel O. & Alfred Rue Burch
2017. Complementary Theoretical Perspectives on Task‐Based Classroom Realities. TESOL Quarterly 51:3  pp. 493 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Daniel R. Isbell
Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo & María Ángeles Hidalgo
2017. Procedural repetition in task-based interaction among young EFL learners. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 168:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Martin-Beltrán, Melinda
2017. Exploring Peer Interaction Among Multilingual Youth: New Possibilities and Challenges for Language and Literacy Learning. International Multilingual Research Journal 11:3  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
2010. The Two‐Way Language Bridge: Co‐Constructing Bilingual Language Learning Opportunities. The Modern Language Journal 94:2  pp. 254 ff. DOI logo
Mozaffari, Seyedeh Hamideh
2017. Comparing student-selected and teacher-assigned pairs on collaborative writing. Language Teaching Research 21:4  pp. 496 ff. DOI logo
Parlak, Özgür & Nicole Ziegler
Polio, Charlene & Susan M. Gass
2017. Preservice instructors’ performance on a language learning task. In Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 16],  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Rolstad, Kellie
2017. Second language instructional competence. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20:5  pp. 497 ff. DOI logo
2016. Epistemics and Expertise in Peer Tutoring Interactions: Co‐Constructing Knowledge of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal 100:2  pp. 508 ff. DOI logo
Cole, Jason & Robert Vanderplank
2016. Comparing autonomous and class-based learners in Brazil: Evidence for the present-day advantages of informal, out-of-class learning. System 61  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Fujii, Akiko, Nicole Ziegler & Alison Mackey
2016. 2. Peer interaction and metacognitive instruction in the EFL classroom. In Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 45],  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
García Mayo, María del Pilar & Agurtzane Azkarai
2016. 9. EFL task-based interaction. In Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 45],  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2016. Corrective feedback and working memory capacity. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2019. Interaction in L2 Learning. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Luke Plonsky
2016. An A–Z of Applied Linguistics Research Methods. In An A–Z of Applied Linguistics Research Methods,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Plonsky, Luke & YouJin Kim
2016. Task-Based Learner Production: A Substantive and Methodological Review. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36  pp. 73 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Jin-Suk
2016. The Effectiveness of Study-Abroad on Second Language Learning: A Meta-Analysis. The Canadian Modern Language Review 72:1  pp. 66 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole
2016. Taking Technology to Task: Technology-Mediated TBLT, Performance, and Production. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36  pp. 136 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole
2016. SYNCHRONOUS COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 38:3  pp. 553 ff. DOI logo
Bowles, Melissa A. & Rebecca J. Adams
2015. An Interactionist Approach to Learner–learner Interaction in Second and Foreign Language Classrooms. In The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction,  pp. 198 ff. DOI logo
Fogal, Gary G
2015. Pedagogical stylistics in multiple foreign language and second language contexts: A synthesis of empirical research. Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 24:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Gass, Susan & Lorena Valmori
2015. Replication in interaction and working memory research: Révész (2012) and Goo (2012). Language Teaching 48:4  pp. 545 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung, Gisela Granena, Yucel Yilmaz & Miguel Novella
2015. Implicit and explicit instruction in L2 learning. In Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages [Studies in Bilingualism, 48],  pp. 443 ff. DOI logo
2015. The Role of Teachers’ Future Self Guides in Creating L2 Development Opportunities in Teacher‐Led Classroom Discourse: Reclaiming the Relevance of Language Teacher Cognition. The Modern Language Journal 99:3  pp. 565 ff. DOI logo
Larson‐Hall, Jenifer & Luke Plonsky
2015. Reporting and Interpreting Quantitative Research Findings: What Gets Reported and Recommendations for the Field. Language Learning 65:S1  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Nakanishi, Takayuki
2015. A Meta-Analysis of Extensive Reading Research. TESOL Quarterly 49:1  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Plonsky, Luke & Dan Brown
2015. Domain definition and search techniques in meta-analyses of L2 research (Or why 18 meta-analyses of feedback have different results). Second Language Research 31:2  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura & Melissa Baralt
Hickey, Tina M. & Anne-Marie de Mejía
2014. Immersion education in the early years: a special issue. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 17:2  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Keck, Casey & YouJin Kim
Lado, Beatriz, Harriet Wood Bowden, Catherine A Stafford & Cristina Sanz
2014. A fine-grained analysis of the effects of negative evidence with and without metalinguistic information in language development. Language Teaching Research 18:3  pp. 320 ff. DOI logo
Sato, Masatoshi
2014. Exploring the construct of interactional oral fluency: Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing approaches. System 45  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Chiu, Chiung-Hui, Chiu-Yi Wu, Sheng-Jieh Hsieh, Hsiao-Wei Cheng & Chung-Kai Huang
2013. Employing a structured interface to advance primary students' communicative competence in a text-based computer mediated environment. Computers & Education 60:1  pp. 347 ff. DOI logo
Cole, Mikel W.
2013. Rompiendo el Silencio: Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Peer-Mediated Learning at Improving Language Outcomes for ELLs. Bilingual Research Journal 36:2  pp. 146 ff. DOI logo
Cole, Mikel W.
2014. Speaking to Read. Journal of Literacy Research 46:3  pp. 358 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung & Alison Mackey
2013. THE CASE AGAINST THE CASE AGAINST RECASTS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35:1  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Jackson, Daniel O. & Sakol Suethanapornkul
2013. The Cognition Hypothesis: A Synthesis and Meta‐Analysis of Research on Second Language Task Complexity. Language Learning 63:2  pp. 330 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin
2013. Effects of Pretask Modeling on Attention to Form and Question Development. TESOL Quarterly 47:1  pp. 8 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin & Nicole Tracy-Ventura
2013. The role of task repetition in L2 performance development: What needs to be repeated during task-based interaction?. System 41:3  pp. 829 ff. DOI logo
Trofimovich, Pavel, Kim Mcdonough & Heike Neumann
2013. Using Collaborative Tasks to Elicit Auditory and Structural Priming. TESOL Quarterly 47:1  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Whong, Melinda
2013. A linguistic perspective on communicative language teaching. The Language Learning Journal 41:1  pp. 115 ff. DOI logo
Whong, Melinda
2013. Applied Generative SLA: The Need for an Agenda and a Methodology. In Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom [Educational Linguistics, 16],  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski‐Weiss, Laura & Andrea Révész
2012. Tasks, Teacher Feedback, and Learner Modified Output in Naturally Occurring Classroom Interaction. Language Learning 62:3  pp. 851 ff. DOI logo
Ortega, Lourdes
2012. Long, Michael H.. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Plonsky, Luke
2011. The Effectiveness of Second Language Strategy Instruction: A Meta‐analysis. Language Learning 61:4  pp. 993 ff. DOI logo
Plonsky, Luke
2014. Study Quality in Quantitative L2 Research (1990–2010): A Methodological Synthesis and Call for Reform. The Modern Language Journal 98:1  pp. 450 ff. DOI logo
Plonsky, Luke & Susan Gass
2011. Quantitative Research Methods, Study Quality, and Outcomes: The Case of Interaction Research. Language Learning 61:2  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2011. Task‐Based Language Learning: A Review of Issues. Language Learning 61:s1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
2011. Task Complexity, Focus on L2 Constructions, and Individual Differences: A Classroom‐Based Study. The Modern Language Journal 95:s1  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Révész, Andrea
2021. Methodological Approaches to Investigating Task-Based Language Teaching. In The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching,  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Simard, Daphnée & Gladys Jean
2011. An Exploration of L2 Teachers’ Use of Pedagogical Interventions Devised to Draw L2 Learners’ Attention to Form. Language Learning 61:3  pp. 759 ff. DOI logo
Vinther, Jane
2011. Enhancing motivation with cultural narratives in computer-mediated communication. Computer Assisted Language Learning 24:4  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo
Bowles, Melissa A.
2010. Concurrent Verbal Reports in Second Language Acquisition Research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 30  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
2010. Database Selection Guidelines for Meta‐Analysis in Applied Linguistics. TESOL Quarterly 44:1  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2010. The Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback in SLA: A Meta‐Analysis. Language Learning 60:2  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
McDonough, Kim & Wanpen Chaikitmongkol
2010. Collaborative Syntactic Priming Activities and EFL Learners’ Production of Wh-questions. The Canadian Modern Language Review 66:6  pp. 817 ff. DOI logo
Oswald, Frederick L. & Luke Plonsky
2010. Meta-analysis in Second Language Research: Choices and Challenges. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 30  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Sheen, Younghee
2010. INTRODUCTION. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 32:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Spada, Nina & Yasuyo Tomita
2010. Interactions Between Type of Instruction and Type of Language Feature: A Meta‐Analysis. Language Learning 60:2  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Mochizuki, Naoko & Lourdes Ortega
2008. Balancing communication and grammar in beginning-level foreign language classrooms: A study of guided planning and relativization. Language Teaching Research 12:1  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
2007. The Future of Research Synthesis in Applied Linguistics: Beyond Art or Science. TESOL Quarterly 41:4  pp. 805 ff. DOI logo

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