Cited by (147)

Cited by 147 other publications

Karimpour, Sedigheh & Hossein Kargar Behbahani
2024. Contribution of Interventionist Dynamic Assessment to the Acquisition of Modal Verbs: The Moderating Role of Field (In)dependence and Working Memory. European Journal of Education DOI logo
Kaygısız, Çağrı
2024. Yabancı Dilde Yazma Sürecinde İşler Belleğin Görevi. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 22:1  pp. 712 ff. DOI logo
Alipour, Javad, Maryam Mohebi & Ali Roohani
2023. The interaction of working memory capacity and engagement with recasts on different L2 outcome measures: A replication of Révész (2012). Language Teaching 56:3  pp. 377 ff. DOI logo
Bunting, Michael F. & Zhisheng (Edward) Wen
2023. Working memory in language learning and bilingual development. In Memory in Science for Society,  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Hammad Al-Rashidi, Anwar, Balachandran Vadivel, Nawroz Ramadan Khalil & Nirvana Basim
2023. The comparative impacts of portfolio-based assessment, self-assessment, and scaffolded peer assessment on reading comprehension, vocabulary learning, and grammatical accuracy: insights from working memory capacity. Language Testing in Asia 13:1 DOI logo
Kang, Eun Young
2023. The role of working memory in the effects of models as a written corrective strategy. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4  pp. 1725 ff. DOI logo
Mora, Joan Carles, Sapna Sehgal & Raquel Serrano
2023. Oral fluency measures in study abroad research. In Methods in Study Abroad Research [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 4],  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Rezaei, Amir & Antonella Valeo
2023. Investigating the impact of task complexity on uptake and noticing of corrective feedback recasts. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4  pp. 1271 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Chengsong & Lawrence Jun Zhang
2023. Literature Review. In Think-Aloud Protocols in Second Language Writing [English Language Education, 34],  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Chengsong & Lawrence Jun Zhang
2023. Methodology. In Think-Aloud Protocols in Second Language Writing [English Language Education, 34],  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Liao, Yi & Wei Zhang
2022. Corrective feedback, individual differences in working memory, and L2 development. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Sadeghi, Karim
2022. Input and Interaction in SLA: An Interview with Susan Gass. In Talking About Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 21 ff. DOI logo
Sato, Masatoshi
2022. Learner attitudes and attention to form in peer interaction: A proposal to replicate Adams et al. (2011) and Philp et al. (2010). Language Teaching 55:3  pp. 407 ff. DOI logo
Behney, Jennifer & Susan Gass
2021. Interaction, DOI logo
Brown Nielson, Katharine & Robert M. DeKeyser
2021. Working memory and planning time as predictors of fluency and accuracy. In Aptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning [Benjamins Current Topics, 116],  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Kachinske, Ilina & Robert M. DeKeyser
2021. The interaction between timing of explicit grammar explanation and individual differences in second language acquisition. In Aptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning [Benjamins Current Topics, 116],  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Kamiya, Nobuhiro
2021. What characteristics of recasts facilitate accurate perception when overheard by true beginners?. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Mackey, Alison, Lara Bryfonski, Özgür Parlak, Ashleigh Pipes, Ayşenur Sağdıç & Bo-Ram Suh
2021. Tools to Measure the Effectiveness of Feedback. In The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching,  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Mujtaba, Syed Muhammad, Atiyeh Kamyabi Gol & Rakesh Parkash
2021. A study on the relationship between language aptitude, vocabulary size, working memory, and L2 writing accuracy. Foreign Language Annals 54:4  pp. 1059 ff. DOI logo
Papi, Mostafa, Dominik Wolff, Kimi Nakatsukasa & Emily Bellwoar
2021. Motivational factors underlying learner preferences for corrective feedback: Language mindsets and achievement goals. Language Teaching Research 25:6  pp. 858 ff. DOI logo
Pawlak, Miroslaw & Adriana Biedroń
2021. Verbal working memory as a predictor of explicit and implicit knowledge of English passive voice. In Aptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning [Benjamins Current Topics, 116],  pp. 93 ff. DOI logo
Serafini, Ellen Johnson
2021. Advancing notions of advancedness. In Advancedness in Second Language Spanish [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 31],  pp. 351 ff. DOI logo
Wen, Zhisheng (Edward) & Peter Skehan
2021. Stages of Acquisition and the P/E Model of Working Memory: Complementary or contrasting approaches to foreign language aptitude?. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 41  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Bryfonski, Lara & Xue Ma
Mackey, Alison
2020. Interaction, Feedback and Task Research in Second Language Learning, DOI logo
Penning de Vries, Bart WF, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik & Roeland van Hout
2020. Spoken grammar practice in CALL: The effect of corrective feedback and education level in adult L2 learning. Language Teaching Research 24:5  pp. 714 ff. DOI logo
Philp, Jenefer & Laura Gurzynski-Weiss
2020. On the role of the interlocutor in second language development. In Cross-theoretical Explorations of Interlocutors and Their Individual Differences [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 53],  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Walker, Neil, Padraic Monaghan, Christine Schoetensack & Patrick Rebuschat
2020. Distinctions in the Acquisition of Vocabulary and Grammar: An Individual Differences Approach. Language Learning 70:S2  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Brown Nielson, Katharine & Robert DeKeyser
2019. Working memory and planning time as predictors of fluency and accuracy. Journal of Second Language Studies 2:2  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Fu, Mengxia & Shaofeng Li
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Granena, Gisela
2019. Language Aptitudes in L2 Acquisition. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 390 ff. DOI logo
Granena, Gisela & Yucel Yilmaz
2019. Corrective Feedback and the Role of Implicit Sequence‐Learning Ability in L2 Online Performance. Language Learning 69:S1  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Kachinske, Ilina & Robert DeKeyser
Nowbakht, Mohammad
2019. The Role of Working Memory, Language Proficiency, and Learners’ Age in Second Language English Learners’ Processing and Comprehension of Anaphoric Sentences. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 48:2  pp. 353 ff. DOI logo
2019. Feedback‐Seeking Behavior in Language Learning: Basic Components and Motivational Antecedents. The Modern Language Journal 103:1  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Pawlak, Mirosław & Adriana Biedroń
2019. Verbal working memory as a predictor of explicit and implicit knowledge of English passive voice. Journal of Second Language Studies 2:2  pp. 258 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Yingli, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Ling Chen
2019. Effects of recasts and form-focused instruction on the acquisition of novel vocabulary . Applied Linguistics Review 10:4  pp. 603 ff. DOI logo
Blasiman, Rachael N. & Christopher A. Was
2018. Why is working memory performance unstable? A review of 21 factors. Europe’s Journal of Psychology 14:1  pp. 188 ff. DOI logo
Guo, Xinyue & Yingli Yang
2018. Effects of Corrective Feedback on EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Third-Person Singular Form and the Mediating Role of Cognitive Style. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 47:4  pp. 841 ff. DOI logo
2018. The role of working memory in processing L2 input: Insights from eye-tracking. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 21:2  pp. 355 ff. DOI logo
Loewen, Shawn & Masatoshi Sato
2018. Interaction and instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching 51:3  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Zabihi, Reza
2018. The Role of Cognitive and Affective Factors in Measures of L2 Writing. Written Communication 35:1  pp. 32 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole & Lara Bryfonski
2018. Interaction‐Driven L2 Learning. In The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
Arxer, Steven L., Maria del Puy Ciriza & Marco Shappeck
2017. Late-Life Second Language Acquisition: Cognitive and Psycholinguistic Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities. In Aging in a Second Language [International Perspectives on Aging, 17],  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Georgiadou, Effrosyni & Karen Roehr-Brackin
2017. Investigating Executive Working Memory and Phonological Short-Term Memory in Relation to Fluency and Self-Repair Behavior in L2 Speech. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 46:4  pp. 877 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura
2017. Instructor individual characteristics and L2 interaction. In Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 16],  pp. 151 ff. DOI logo
2017. Aptitude and pedagogical conditions in the early development of a nonprimary language. Applied Psycholinguistics 38:3  pp. 679 ff. DOI logo
Wacha, Richard Charles & Yeu-Ting Liu
2017. Testing the efficacy of two new variants of recasts with standard recasts in communicative conversational settings: An exploratory longitudinal study. Language Teaching Research 21:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Bakri, Haytham
2016. The Role of Individual Differences in Second Language Writing Corrective Feedback. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Denhovska, Nadiia, Ludovica Serratrice & John Payne
2016. Acquisition of Second Language Grammar Under Incidental Learning Conditions: The Role of Frequency and Working Memory. Language Learning 66:1  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Gisela Granena, Long, Michael H. & Yucel Yilmaz
2016. Major Research Issues in SLA. Brill Research Perspectives in Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition 1:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Leeser, Michael J. & Gretchen L. Sunderman
2016. Methodological implications of working memory tasks for L2 processing research. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Sanz, Cristina, Hui-Ju Lin, Beatriz Lado, Catherine A. Stafford & Harriet W. Bowden
2016. One Size Fits All? Learning Conditions and Working Memory Capacity inAb InitioLanguage Development. Applied Linguistics 37:5  pp. 669 ff. DOI logo
Schmid, Monika S.
2016. Multi-factorial Studies: Populations and Linguistic Features. In Designing Research on Bilingual Development [SpringerBriefs in Linguistics, ],  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
Sánchez, Laura & Camilla Bardel
2016. Cognitive factors, linguistic perceptions and transfer in third language learning. Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XXI:2  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Wen, Zhisheng (Edward)
2016. Phonological and executive working memory in L2 task-based speech planning and performance. The Language Learning Journal 44:4  pp. 418 ff. DOI logo
Yalçın, Şebnem, Sevdeğer Çeçen & Gülcan Erçetin
2016. The relationship between aptitude and working memory: an instructed SLA context. Language Awareness 25:1-2  pp. 144 ff. DOI logo
2016. The role of cognitive aptitudes for explicit language learning in the relative effects of explicit and implicit feedback. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19:1  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
2019. Cognitive Individual Differences as Predictors of Improvement and Awareness Under Implicit and Explicit Feedback Conditions. The Modern Language Journal 103:3  pp. 686 ff. DOI logo
Yilmaz, Yucel, Gisela Granena & Zachary S. Meyer
2016. The role of explicit language aptitude in implicit, explicit, and mixed feedback conditions. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 327 ff. DOI logo
Yilmaz, Yucel & Yilmaz Koylu
2016. The interaction between feedback exposure condition and phonetic coding ability. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
Ziegler, Nicole
2016. Taking Technology to Task: Technology-Mediated TBLT, Performance, and Production. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36  pp. 136 ff. DOI logo
Fenesi, Barbara, Faria Sana, Joseph A. Kim & David I. Shore
2015. Reconceptualizing Working Memory in Educational Research. Educational Psychology Review 27:2  pp. 333 ff. DOI logo
Gass, Susan & Lorena Valmori
2015. Replication in interaction and working memory research: Révész (2012) and Goo (2012). Language Teaching 48:4  pp. 545 ff. DOI logo
Gass, Susan M.
2015. Comprehensible Input and Output in Classroom Interaction. In The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction,  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin, Caroline Payant & Pamela Pearson
2015. THE INTERSECTION OF TASK-BASED INTERACTION, TASK COMPLEXITY, AND WORKING MEMORY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 37:3  pp. 549 ff. DOI logo
Linck, Jared A. & Daniel J. Weiss
2015. Can Working Memory and Inhibitory Control Predict Second Language Learning in the Classroom?. Sage Open 5:4 DOI logo
Rassaei, Ehsan
2015. The effects of foreign language anxiety on EFL learners' perceptions of oral corrective feedback. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 9:2  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad & Mansoor Tavakoli
2014. Investigating What Second Language Learners Do and Monitor under Careful Online Planning Conditions. The Canadian Modern Language Review 70:1  pp. 50 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura & Melissa Baralt
Kartchava, Eva & Ahlem Ammar
2014. Learners' Beliefs as Mediators of What Is Noticed and Learned in the Language Classroom. TESOL Quarterly 48:1  pp. 86 ff. DOI logo
Kartchava, Eva & Ahlem Ammar
2014. The noticeability and effectiveness of corrective feedback in relation to target type. Language Teaching Research 18:4  pp. 428 ff. DOI logo
Nielson, Katharine B
2014. Can planning time compensate for individual differences in working memory capacity?. Language Teaching Research 18:3  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Salimi, Asghar, Alireza Bonyadi & Atefeh Asghari
2014. The Effect of Focus on Form on EFL Learners’ Written Task Accuracy across Different Proficiency Levels. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 4:4 DOI logo
Dekeyser, Robert & Goretti Prieto Botana
2013. Acquisition of Grammar by Instructed Learners. In The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
Gass, Susan M., Jennifer N. Behney & Baburhan Uzum
2013. Inhibitory Control, Working Memory and L2 Interaction. In Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Second Language Learning and Teaching [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung & Alison Mackey
2013. THE CASE AGAINST THE CASE AGAINST RECASTS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35:1  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2013. The interactions between the effects of implicit and explicit feedback and individual differences in language analytic ability and working memory. The Modern Language Journal 97:3  pp. 634 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2016. THE CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF LANGUAGE APTITUDE. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 38:4  pp. 801 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2017. The effects of cognitive aptitudes on the process and product of L2 interaction. In Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 16],  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Linck, Jared A., Meredith M. Hughes, Susan G. Campbell, Noah H. Silbert, Medha Tare, Scott R. Jackson, Benjamin K. Smith, Michael F. Bunting & Catherine J. Doughty
2013. Hi‐LAB: A New Measure of Aptitude for High‐Level Language Proficiency. Language Learning 63:3  pp. 530 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy & Leila Ranta
2013. COUNTERPOINT PIECE: THE CASE FOR VARIETY IN CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK RESEARCH. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 35:1  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy, Kazuya Saito & Masatoshi Sato
2013. Oral corrective feedback in second language classrooms. Language Teaching 46:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Mann, Collette, Benedict J. Canny, David H. Reser & Ramesh Rajan
2013. Poorer verbal working memory for a second language selectively impacts academic achievement in university medical students. PeerJ 1  pp. e22 ff. DOI logo
Nassaji, Hossein
2013. Participation Structure and Incidental Focus on Form in Adult ESL Classrooms. Language Learning 63:4  pp. 835 ff. DOI logo
Nassaji, Hossein
2016. Anniversary article Interactional feedback in second language teaching and learning: A synthesis and analysis of current research. Language Teaching Research 20:4  pp. 535 ff. DOI logo
Nassaji, Hossein
2017. The Effectiveness of Extensive Versus Intensive Recasts for Learning L2 Grammar. The Modern Language Journal 101:2  pp. 353 ff. DOI logo
Nassaji, Hossein
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Nassaji, Hossein
2019. The effects of recasts versus prompts on immediate uptake and learning of a complex target structure. In Doing SLA Research with Implications for the Classroom [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 52],  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
Philp, Jenefer & Noriko Iwashita
2013. Talking, tuning in and noticing: exploring the benefits of output in task-based peer interaction. Language Awareness 22:4  pp. 353 ff. DOI logo
Sagarra, Nuria & Rebekha Abbuhl
2013. Optimizing the Noticing of Recasts via Computer‐Delivered Feedback: Evidence That Oral Input Enhancement and Working Memory Help Second Language Learning. The Modern Language Journal 97:1  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Winke, Paula
2013. An Investigation Into Second Language Aptitude for Advanced Chinese Language Learning. The Modern Language Journal 97:1  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
Ahmadian, Mohammad Javad
2012. The Relationship Between Working Memory Capacity and L2 Oral Performance Under Task‐Based Careful Online Planning Condition. TESOL Quarterly 46:1  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Asadollahfam, Hassan, Davud Kuhi, Asghar Salimi & Shirin Mirzaei
2012. The Effect of Incidental Focus on Form and Scaffolding on SL Learners' Accuracy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46  pp. 663 ff. DOI logo
Biedroń, Adriana
2012. Memory Abilities in Gifted Foreign Language Learners. In New Perspectives on Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teaching [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
2012. Working Memory and Short‐Term Memory Abilities in Accomplished Multilinguals. The Modern Language Journal 96:2  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
Gurzynski‐Weiss, Laura & Andrea Révész
2012. Tasks, Teacher Feedback, and Learner Modified Output in Naturally Occurring Classroom Interaction. Language Learning 62:3  pp. 851 ff. DOI logo
Mackey, Alison & Rebecca Sachs
2012. Older Learners in SLA Research: A First Look at Working Memory, Feedback, and L2 Development. Language Learning 62:3  pp. 704 ff. DOI logo
Martin, Katherine I. & Nick C. Ellis
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2012. Working Memory in Second Language Acquisition. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Wen, Zhisheng
2012. Working memory and second language learning. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 22:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
West, Donna E.
2012. Elicited imitation as a measure of morphemic accuracy: Evidence from L2 Spanish. Language and Cognition 4:3  pp. 203 ff. DOI logo
Yilmaz, Yucel
2012. The Relative Effects of Explicit Correction and Recasts on Two Target Structures via Two Communication Modes. Language Learning 62:4  pp. 1134 ff. DOI logo
Yilmaz, Yucel
2013. Relative Effects of Explicit and Implicit Feedback: The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Language Analytic Ability. Applied Linguistics 34:3  pp. 344 ff. DOI logo
Yilmaz, Yucel
2016. THE ROLE OF EXPOSURE CONDITION IN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF EXPLICIT CORRECTION. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 38:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
Juffs, Alan & Michael Harrington
2011. Aspects of working memory in L2 learning. Language Teaching 44:2  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Salimi, Asghar, Nahid Delju & Hassan Asadollahfam
2011. Teachers’ Intentions and Learners’ Perceptions about Recasts, Prompts and Models. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 29  pp. 1380 ff. DOI logo
2011. Attention et production d'autoreformulations autoamorcées en français langue seconde, quelle relation?. Journal of French Language Studies 21:3  pp. 417 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2010. Working Memory and Reactivity. Language Learning 60:4  pp. 712 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2012. CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK AND WORKING MEMORY CAPACITY IN INTERACTION-DRIVEN L2 LEARNING. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34:3  pp. 445 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2016. Corrective feedback and working memory capacity. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2019. Interaction in L2 Learning. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning,  pp. 233 ff. DOI logo
Goo, Jaemyung
2020. Research on the role of recasts in L2 learning. Language Teaching 53:3  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Mackey, Alison, Rebecca Adams, Catherine Stafford & Paula Winke
2010. Exploring the Relationship Between Modified Output and Working Memory Capacity. Language Learning 60:3  pp. 501 ff. DOI logo
Romanova, Natalia
2010. Planning, Recasts, and Learning of L2 Morphology. The Canadian Modern Language Review 66:6  pp. 843 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Bryan
2010. Employing Eye-Tracking Technology in Researching the Effectiveness of Recasts in CMC. In Directions and Prospects for Educational Linguistics [Educational Linguistics, 11],  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Révész, Andrea
2009. TASK COMPLEXITY, FOCUS ON FORM, AND SECOND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 31:3  pp. 437 ff. DOI logo
2011. Task Complexity, Focus on L2 Constructions, and Individual Differences: A Classroom‐Based Study. The Modern Language Journal 95:s1  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Révész, Andrea
2012. Working Memory and the Observed Effectiveness of Recasts on Different L2 Outcome Measures. Language Learning 62:1  pp. 93 ff. DOI logo
2009. When study-abroad experience fails to deliver: The internal resources threshold effect. Applied Psycholinguistics 30:1  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Ammar, Ahlem
2008. Prompts and recasts: Differential effects on second language morphosyntax. Language Teaching Research 12:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Lightbown, Patsy M.
2008. Book review: Robert DeKeyser, editor, 2007: Practice in a second language: Perspectives from applied linguistics and cognititive psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. 323 pp. $36.00 (PB). ISBN 978—0—521—86529—6. Language Teaching Research 12:2  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
2008. Cognitive Profiles of (Un)successful FL Learners: A Cluster Analytical Study. The Modern Language Journal 92:1  pp. 87 ff. DOI logo
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2008. Recasts, Language Anxiety, Modified Output, and L2 Learning. Language Learning 58:4  pp. 835 ff. DOI logo
2008. Form‐Focused Instruction: Isolated or Integrated?. TESOL Quarterly 42:2  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Swain, Merrill & Wataru Suzuki
2008. Interaction, Output, and Communicative Language Learning. In The Handbook of Educational Linguistics,  pp. 557 ff. DOI logo
Leeser, Michael J.
2007. Learner‐Based Factors in L2 Reading Comprehension and Processing Grammatical Form: Topic Familiarity and Working Memory. Language Learning 57:2  pp. 229 ff. DOI logo
2006. Recasts in the Adult English L2 Classroom: Characteristics, Explicitness, and Effectiveness. The Modern Language Journal 90:4  pp. 536 ff. DOI logo
2006. Negotiation of Meaning and Noticing in Text‐Based Online Chat. The Modern Language Journal 90:4  pp. 557 ff. DOI logo
van den Noort, Maurits W.M.L., Peggy Bosch & Kenneth Hugdahl
2006. Foreign Language Proficiency and Working Memory Capacity. European Psychologist 11:4  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
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2005. Language aptitude and its relationship to instructional effectiveness in second language acquisition. Language Teaching Research 9:2  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
McDonough, Kim
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Egi, Takako
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2010. Uptake, Modified Output, and Learner Perceptions of Recasts: Learner Responses as Language Awareness. The Modern Language Journal 94:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ellis, Rod
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Juffs, Alan
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Juffs, Alan
2005. The influence of first language on the processing of wh-movement in English as a second language. Second Language Research 21:2  pp. 121 ff. DOI logo
Adams, Rebecca
2003. L2 output, reformulation and noticing: Implications for IL development. Language Teaching Research 7:3  pp. 347 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2003. Attention and Memory during SLA. In The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 631 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2012. Individual Differences, Aptitude Complexes, SLA Processes, and Aptitude Test Development. In New Perspectives on Individual Differences in Language Learning and Teaching [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2015. Attention and Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2016. Attention and Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Peter
2017. Attention and Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 125 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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