Part of
Speech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues
Edited by Alicia Martínez-Flor and Esther Usó-Juan
[Language Learning & Language Teaching 26] 2010
► pp. 109126
Cited by (9)

Cited by nine other publications

Dajem, Zenah Ayed
2023. A Pragmatic Analysis of Verbal Complaints in Recorded Conversations from the Saudi Ministry of Health Call Centre (937). Corpus Pragmatics 7:3  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Dajem, Zenah Ayed
2024. Patient Complaints to the Saudi Medical Call Center: Representative Response Strategies. Health Communication 39:5  pp. 863 ff. DOI logo
Milà-Garcia, Alba
2022. Desacuerdo, atenuación y empatía en tutorías universitarias. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 90  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Taguchi, Naoko
2018. Contexts and pragmatics learning: Problems and opportunities of the study abroad research. Language Teaching 51:1  pp. 124 ff. DOI logo
Yuan, Zhou-min & Runhan Zhang
2018. Investigating longitudinal pragmatic development of complaints made by Chinese EFL learners. Applied Linguistics Review 9:1  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
Yates, Lynda
2017. Learning how to speak: Pronunciation, pragmatics and practicalities in the classroom and beyond. Language Teaching 50:2  pp. 227 ff. DOI logo
Dahm, Maria R, Lynda Yates, Kathryn Ogden, Kim Rooney & Brooke Sheldon
2015. Enhancing international medical graduates’ communication: the contribution of applied linguistics. Medical Education 49:8  pp. 828 ff. DOI logo
Yin, Chun-Po & Feng-Yang Kuo
2013. A Study of How Information System Professionals Comprehend Indirect and Direct Speech Acts in Project Communication. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 56:3  pp. 226 ff. DOI logo
Newton, Jonathan & Ewa Kusmierczyk
2011. Teaching Second Languages for the Workplace. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 31  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo

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