Part of
Second Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts
Edited by Kim McDonough and Alison Mackey
[Language Learning & Language Teaching 34] 2013
► pp. 324
Cited by (30)

Cited by 30 other publications

Cui, Yachong & Shaoqian Luo
2024. “Writing-to-learn”: the influence of task repetition on CSL writers’ attention to form. Applied Linguistics Review 15:3  pp. 793 ff. DOI logo
Hanzawa, Keiko & Yuichi Suzuki
2023. How do learners perceive task repetition? Distributed practice effects on engagement and metacognitive judgment. The Modern Language Journal 107:2  pp. 451 ff. DOI logo
Kheirzadeh, Shiela & Maryam Malakootikhah
2023. The Role of Content and Procedural Repetition in EFL Learners’ Reading Performance. Journal of College Reading and Learning 53:2  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Huu Thanh Minh, Hang Le Thanh Nguyen, Ngoc Mai Vo & Nguyen Khanh Huynh
2023. The combined effects of task repetition and post-task teacher-corrected transcribing on complexity, accuracy and fluency of L2 oral performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott, Jim King & Haydab Almukhaild
2022. Language Learner Engagement During Speaking Tasks: A Longitudinal Study. RELC Journal 53:3  pp. 519 ff. DOI logo
Lambert, Craig, Scott Aubrey & Paul Leeming
2021. Task Preparation and Second Language Speech Production. TESOL Quarterly 55:2  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Bygate, Martin
2020. Some directions for the possible survival of TBLT as a real world project. Language Teaching 53:3  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin, Sanghee Kang, Hyunae Yun, Binna Kim & Bumyong Choi
2020. The role of task repetition in a Korean as a foreign language classroom: Writing quality, attention to form, and learning of Korean grammar. Foreign Language Annals 53:4  pp. 827 ff. DOI logo
Nguyen, Bao Trang Thi & Jonathan Newton
2020. Learner proficiency and EFL learning through task rehearsal and performance. Language Teaching Research 24:5  pp. 588 ff. DOI logo
Azkarai, Agurtzane & Rhonda Oliver
2019. Negative feedback on task repetition: ESL vs. EFL child settings. The Language Learning Journal 47:3  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Hsu, Hsiu-Chen
2019. The combined effect of task repetition and post-task transcribing on L2 speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The Language Learning Journal 47:2  pp. 172 ff. DOI logo
Newton, Jonathan & Bao Trang Thi Nguyen
2019. Task repetition and the public performance of speaking tasks in EFL classes at a Vietnamese high school. Language Teaching for Young Learners 1:1  pp. 34 ff. DOI logo
Dao, Phung, Pavel Trofimovich & Sara Kennedy
2018. Structural alignment in L2 task-based interaction. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 169:2  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
García-Fuentes, César & Kim McDonough
2018. The effect of explicit instruction and task repetition on Colombian EFL students’ use of politeness strategies during disagreements. The Language Learning Journal 46:4  pp. 470 ff. DOI logo
Hartwick, Peggy
2018. Investigating research approaches: Classroom-based interaction studies in physical and virtual contexts. ReCALL 30:2  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
Kim, YouJin, Scott A. Crossley, YeonJoo Jung, Kristopher Kyle & Sanghee Kang
2018. The effects of task repetition and task complexity on L2 lexicon use. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Kobayashi, Emi & Masaki Kobayashi
2018. Second language learning through repeated engagement in a poster presentation task. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 223 ff. DOI logo
Payant, Caroline & Derek Reagan
2018. Manipulating task implementation variables with incipient Spanish language learners: A classroom-based study. Language Teaching Research 22:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Reagan, Derek & Caroline Payant
2018. Task modality effects on Spanish learners’ interlanguage pragmatic development. In Task-based approaches to teaching and assessing pragmatics [Task-Based Language Teaching, 10],  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Sheppard, Chris & Rod Ellis
Aubrey, Scott
2017. Measuring Flow in the EFL Classroom: Learners’ Perceptions of Inter‐ and Intra‐Cultural Task‐Based Interactions. TESOL Quarterly 51:3  pp. 661 ff. DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott
2018. The impact of intra-cultural and inter-cultural task repetition on interaction. In Learning Language through Task Repetition [Task-Based Language Teaching, 11],  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott
2022. The relationship between anxiety, enjoyment, and breakdown fluency during second language speaking tasks: An idiodynamic investigation. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Azkarai, Agurtzane & María del Pilar García Mayo
2017. Task repetition effects on L1 use in EFL child task-based interaction. Language Teaching Research 21:4  pp. 480 ff. DOI logo
Dao, Phung, Noriko Iwashita & Elizabeth Gatbonton
2017. Learner attention to form in ACCESS task-based interaction. Language Teaching Research 21:4  pp. 454 ff. DOI logo
Erlam, Rosemary & Malcom Pimentel-Hellier
2017. Opportunities to attend to language form in the adolescent near-beginner foreign language classroom. Language Awareness 26:2  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Youjin, Yeonjoo Jung & Nicole Tracy‐Ventura
2017. Implementation of a Localized Task‐Based Course in an EFL Context: A Study of Students’ Evolving Perceptions. TESOL Quarterly 51:3  pp. 632 ff. DOI logo
Lázaro-Ibarrola, Amparo & María Ángeles Hidalgo
2017. Procedural repetition in task-based interaction among young EFL learners. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 168:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Qiu, Xuyan & Yuen Yi Lo
2017. Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners’ engagement in second language use. Language Teaching Research 21:6  pp. 681 ff. DOI logo
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