This chapter focuses on the amount of pragmatics practice needed for promoting accurate and speedy recognition and production of request-making forms in L2 Chinese. Over four consecutive days, an input group (n = 17) and an output group (n = 17) practiced using target request-making forms via computerized input-based and output-based practice activities, respectively. Meanwhile, a control group (n = 15) did Chinese reading comprehension exercises that did not contain the target pragmatic features. Two computerized instruments (a pragmatic listening judgment task and an oral discourse completion task) were administered to assess pragmatic development over time. The results showed that, regardless of practice modality (input-based and output-based), four instances of processing target pragmatic features were sufficient to enhance pragmatic performance accuracy, yet more than eight instances were needed for the development of performance speed.
2023. The effects of interleaved and blocked corpus-based practice on L2 pragmatic development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:4 ► pp. 812 ff.
Fakher Ajabshir, Zahra
2022. The relative efficacy of input enhancement, input flooding, and output-based instructional approaches in the acquisition of L2 request modifiers. Language Teaching Research 26:3 ► pp. 411 ff.
2017. Technologies for Teaching and Learning Intercultural Competence and Interlanguage Pragmatics. In The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning, ► pp. 118 ff.
Taguchi, Naoko
2015. Instructed pragmatics at a glance: Where instructional studies were, are, and should be going. Language Teaching 48:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
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